2021年9月22日 星期三

2021/09/17 Joan’s English


B1U1  pp. 9-12  

2021/09/17  Joan’s English 

Class: ____ No.: ____Name: ____________

I. Vocabulary in Context

n. (A) feeling  (B) conversation  (C) message   (D) hint   

1.  I wanted to leave; however, (=…, but…) the salesperson didn’t

 get the _____(: implication).

2. I like to take notes on books mostly because it offers (: gives) me a sense of joy.


n. (A) emotions (B) salesman    (C) results     (D) rooftop

1. Don’t tell a lie to your friends.  You will hurt their feelings.

2. People around the world show (: display) their basic feelings with similar facial expressions (表情).

3. Wonder Woman told Superman to come to the _____ for a talk.


n.  (A) ending  (B) happiness    (C) invitation    (D) emotions

1. I like to play the guitar mainly because it gives me a feeling of joy.

2. The bad guy (: man) would be back, as (正如; conj.) the _____ of the movie hinted.


adj./V-pp.  (A) nervous (B) worried  (C) frightened  (D) informal   (E) refused

1. Daniel was tense about riding a scooter for the first time.

2. A strong typhoon is nearing Taiwan, so Tom’s plan to go surfing this weekend has been rejected by his father.


V-pp & adj.  (A) local   (B) positive  (C) negative   (D) urban   (E) metropolitan (AB) nervous (AC) personal

1. A majority of people are _____ and active about the new traffic rules on account that (: as/because) they think the rules are practical and helpful.

2. Jenny: So, how was your first date with Mark?

  Tina: Terrible!  Can you believe he asked me how much I weighted (多重)?

  Jenny: Hmm.  That’s a little _____.

  Tina: You really know me.


v.(A) provided     (B) refused      (C) confused    (D) mentioned 

1. Linda ____ (: turned down) to go to the beach with us during (: in the time of) Ghost Month.

2. I invited her to my birthday party, but she turned me down.  That’s the reason why I felt (: feel ) disappointed (: depressed; frustrated).

3. Josh briefly talked about someone or something, but I can’t remember it.

4. The directions in the station ______(: troubled) the tourist; hence, (s)he got lost.

5. The singer rejected all of the gifts (: presents) from his fans (: followers). He only (: simply/merely) accepted their cards.


n.  (A) relax   (B) talk     (C) seller     (D) sale  (E) request  (AB) reply

1. Mary was very busy with the film club, so she was not able to accept her friend’s invitation to dinner.

2. Andy read my LINE messages yet made no response.


II.  Grammar/Multiple Choice:

1. I longed to exit, yet the salesperson didn’t get the implication.  He merely kept ____ to the other customers.

(A) talk    (B) to talk   (C) talking   (D) talked

2. The store is having a ____.  I went there yesterday for a discount.  Go there and get a good bargain.

3. My brother gets ____ with his classmates.  They always play together.

(A) along   (B) alone   (C)behind     (D) by himself

4. Mary ____ very busy, so she could not accept her friend’s invitation to dinner.

(A) am     (B) is       (C) are       (D) was      (E) were

5. The department store is having a sale.  _____, it is filled with people.

(A) So      (B) Thus; Hence; Therefore; As a result  (C) However/Yet/Still

6. I have been to Guam once.    (A) at a time  (B) as soon as

7.  (選錯) As soon as the thief saw the police, (s)he ran away.

(A) The moment  (B) The instant  (C) The minute  (D) Once  (E) At a time


III.  片語 (選項可以重複使用)

(A) about  (B) to  (C) for  (D) with  (E) of  (AB) on (AC) during  (AD) without (AE) toward  (BC) over

1. Don’t lie _____ your friends.  You will hurt their feelings.

2. I have never come here.  I come here ____ the first time.

3. Don’t be tense ______ taking an exam. 

Just keep focused and write the answers down.

4. That department store is having a sale; therefore, it is full ____ people.

5. Sally is fond of (: Sally likes) having a conversation ____ local people


6. Wonder Woman left a message _____ Superman for a coming danger.

7. I like to draw (塗鴉) ____ books mostly because it gives a sense of happiness.

片語 (選項可以重複使用)

(A) about  (B) to  (C) for  (D) with  (E) of  (AB) on (AC) during  (AD) without (AE) toward  (BC) over


8. Thank you ____ your offer ____ help.  I really need it.

9. I fooled around (: idled away) all day long ____ the COVID 19 quarantine.  I should face the music and do something about my academic study.

10. The popcorn in the movie theater costs NT$1,000, much ____ everyone’s surprise. It is quite alarming to every one of us.

11. The TV station cannot carry _____ (: continue) the program ____ enough money.

12. The guest house offered (: gave) a free breakfast ____ its guests.

13.  Don’t reply ____(: answer) the call if its number looks strange to us.

14. Mom’s attitude _____ online games changed (: altered) after playing one herself.

15. I want (: long) to invite Iris ____ for the weekend.

16. Emily mentioned her family ____ everyone when she said “thank you” onstage.

17. The Internet helps people contact with (聯絡) one another (三者互相) more easily ___ the positive side (從好的方面看).


IV.  對等連接詞 coordinating conjunction

(A) for   (B) and   (C) nor   (D) but  (E) or   (AB) so

1. Josh talked about his plan to me, ____(: yet) I can’t remember it.

2. Mary was very busy, ____(: …; therefore/thus/hence,…) she could not attend her friend’s wedding ceremony tomorrow.

3. Andy read (過去式) my LINE messages (: pieces of information) ____ made no reply.


VI. 一般連接詞

(A) because  (B) when   (C) after  (D) once   (E) before  (AB) only if

1. Most people are active about the new project ____(: on account that) they think it is useful, helpful and practical to carry out (實踐).

2. You will make it (: succeed) in the future as long as you study hard by living up to your schedule.

單字比賽 2021/9/17

Class: 貿一1

No. ___ Name: _____


1. IVY: 9/1, 2, 3

2. 課本: pp. 9-12


看中=> 聽英=> 寫英


1. 拍攝  v.

2. 實際的 adj.

3. 參加; 出席 v.

4. 討論  v.

5. 令人愉快的 adj.

6. 走廊 n.

7. 劇本; 腳本 n.

8. 博覽會 n.

9. 一年級新生 n.

10. 筆記 n.

11. 表兄弟姊妹 n.

12. 兄弟姊妹 n.

13. 健身房 n.

14.  改善 v.

15. 博覽會 n.

16. 等第 n.

17. 計畫 n.

18. 社團 n.

19. 害羞的 adj.

20. 同意 v.

21. 活動 n.

22. 學期 n.

23. 選文 n.

24. 主要地 adv.

25. 費用 n.

26. 空間 n.

27. 規則 n.

28. 發生 v.

29. 加入 v.

30. 概念 an _____

31. 繁重的  adj.

32. 搬動舉高  v.

33. 羽球  n.  

34.  排球  n.


1. 恐怖() n.

2. 通知; 知會 v.

3. 會員身分 n.

4. 大多數 n.

5. 每週 n.

6. 介紹 v.

7. 鼓掌 v.

8. 設備; 器材 n.

9. 出席; 參加 n.


1. 一般的; 平均的 adj.

2. 控制器 n.

3. 辨識; 識別 v.

4. (程度)極高的 adj.

5. 吸引人的 adj.

6. 品牌 n.

7. 幾何學 n.

8. 小寫的 adj.

9. (公司的)標誌; 商標

10. 大寫  n.

11. 分數 n. 得分 v.

12. 廣告 n.

13. 公司 n.

14. 注意 n.

15. 設計 n. v.

16. 驚訝 n.

17. 理由 n.

18. 有趣地是 adv.

19. 腦部 n.

20. 似乎 vi. a_____

21. 例子 n.

22. 排除在外 ____ for

23. 彎曲的 adj.

24. 持續 v.

25. 法條 n.

26. 保護 v.

27. 環境 n.

p. 9

1. 感情 n.

2. 緊張的 adj.

3. 對話; 交談

4. 因此 adv.

5. 訊息 n.

6. 暗示 v. n.

7. 塗鴉 n.

8. 屋頂 n.

p. 10

9. 提供() v. give:

10. 拒絕 v.


   = _____  ____

11. 回答() v.

12. 態度 n.

13. 使困惑  vt.

14. (主動)接受 v.

15. 願意的

16. 期間 prep.

17. 指示 n.

p. 11

18. 邀請 n.

19. 提到 vt.

20. 正面的 adj.

21. 網路上; 線上

22. 網友 Net _____

p. 12

23. 免費的 adj.

24. 節目  n.

25. 爆米花 n.

26. 戲院 n.

27. 有禮貌地 adv.

2021年9月10日 星期五

2021/09/10 IT101


2021/09/10  IT101

1.      母子配對


母音找左邊子音念一個音, 叫做拼音!

母音後面切, 母音後面切, 母音後面接切切切,



   重音節母音要念彷彿Do Rei Me Fa So So 高音

2.       對等連接詞

…, fanboys … .

Dot Dot Dot Comma Fanboys Dot Dot Dot Period

3.      Let’s play “I say You say Game”

A: When I say “attitude, “ you tell me its “Chinese.”

B: 態度!  When I say “accept,” (you) tell me “Number.”

A: “Twelve.” When I say “接受, “ you say its English.

B: Accept.

A: Spell it.

B: A-cce-pt.

4.      對話方式, 來錄製母音影片

2021年9月8日 星期三

20210908-0909 C 301-302

1. Have you all already measured your body temperatures today? 2. The meeting has come to an end, so we are planning to leave now. 3. I my me mine myself you your you yours yourself/yourselves he his him his himself they their them theirs themselves we our us ours ourselves she her her hers herself it its it its itself 4. Cool English 5. quizlet 加入所有名詞 和 反身代名詞 1. 請寫於習作簿B3U1 左邊的空白頁上 I my me mine myself you your you yours yourself/yourselves he his him his himself they their them theirs themselves we our us ours ourselves she her her hers herself it its it its itself

Lesson 1

Kiss Culture1 Shock Goodbye



Traveling can be an enjoyable and valuable2 experience. However, foreign customs can be so different from our own that our traveling experiences may often surprise us. This is known as culture shock. Let’s meet some travelers and learn how they “survived3” their experiences of culture shock.



Meiling’s Awkward Kiss

I have fond4 memories of my trip to France last year, except for the French greetings5. Once, I was introduced to one of my cousin’s girlfriends. Like most Taiwanese people, I smiled and said hello, but the French girl grabbed6 both of my shoulders and kissed me on the cheeks7! It was such an embarrassing8 experience for me that I just stood there, smiling like a dummyž!




Felix’s Kindness Broke a Cultural Rule

On my second day in Thailand, I learned a valuable cultural lesson. I was walking down the street when a soccer ball bounced9 toward me. I picked it up and looked around. A shy young boy approached and gestured10 to the ball. I smiled and handed it over, patting11 the boy on the head. The smile on the face of his dad immediately12 vanished13. Later I learned that for Thai people, people’s heads are holy14. Only the king, monksž, and parents are permitted15 to touch them.




The Story of a Hungry Backpackerž

To enjoy my time in Spain, all I had to do was get used to their odd16 daily schedule17. First of all, they usually have breakfast no earlier than 10 a.m. In fact, breakfast is normally skipped18 altogether19! Their lunch break, on the contrary, seems to last forever. It includes the famous Spanish “siestaž,” or middayž nap, and can sometimes last until 4 p.m. Six p.m. is the time for an “afternoon” snack, and I had to wait till nine or ten for dinner!




If you ever experience this kind of culture shock, don’t panic20. It’s normal to be surprised by cultural differences. In order to enjoy your travels to the full, all you have to do is be open to new things and embrace21 the feeling of culture shock. These experiences can teach you so much more than books ever will!





1.      culture

   n. [U, C] 文化 the shared way of living of a particular group of people

● Grace has moved to Japan for ten years, so she understands Japanese culture very well.


● Dr. Johnson became a historianž because she was inspired by her father’s love of ancient cultures.



adj. 文化的

● Simon enjoys hanging out with people from different cultural backgrounds in order to learn interesting things about their countries.



2. valuable

adj. 寶貴的;值錢的 important; worth a lot of money   SYN precious

ANT valueless, worthless

● My grandparents provided valuable support for my family when I was little.


● Elsie’s mom locks her valuable jewelry away in a safe in their home.



n. [U] 價值

● These photos are of great value because they show what the church looked like before it burned down.



vt. 重視

● The government should value the advice and opinions of its people.



3. survive

  vt. vi. 倖存 to continue to live after being in a difficult situation

● It was a miracle that most of the villagers found shelter in the woods and survived the terrible storm.


● Molly’s grandmother fell ill last year, and sadly she didn’t survive.



n. [U] 倖存

● There is no need to worry. For people with this disease, the chances of survival are extremely high.



n. [C] 倖存者

● The two survivors of the airplane crash are being interviewed on television about their terrifying experience.



4. fond

adj. 快樂美好的;喜愛的 happy and loving; feeling liking

● Chris has fond memories of living on his grandparents’ farm as a child.


● My son is very fond of dinosaurs. He plays with his dinosaur models all the time.



5. greeting

n. [C, U] 問候 the polite words we will say when we meet someone

● Ms. Philip started the meeting by giving everyone a formal greeting.


● The elderly couple had a video chat with their grandchild for the first time, waving their hands excitedly in greeting.



vt. 問候;打招呼

● Some people, such as the Maorisž and the Arabsž, greet each other by rubbing their noses.



6. grab

vt. 抓取 to hold someone or something suddenly and quickly


● A kid in the park grabbed little Jimmy’s toy car and ran away.



7. cheek

n. [C] 臉頰 the part of our face which is below our eyes and between our mouth and our ears

● Running up the big hill made Lisa breathe hard and turned her cheeks red.

  朝著大山坡往上跑讓Lisa 喘不過氣,臉頰都紅了。


8. embarrassing

adj. 令人尷尬的 making one feel uncomfortable about the situation

● Sandy had an embarrassing situation at school today when she accidentally spilled her milk on her teacher’s shirt.



adj. 感到尷尬的

● Kevin felt embarrassed when he went into the women’s restroom by mistake.



vt. 使⋯⋯感到尷尬

● Be careful not to embarrass your friends by mentioning personal issues they do not want to discuss.



n. [U] 尷尬;n. [C] 尷尬的事

● Naughty children might cause their parents a lot of embarrassment.


● It was a great embarrassment to Lee when his girlfriend said “no” to his marriage proposal. 



9. bounce

vi. 彈起;反彈 to move away quickly after hitting a surface

● It is always great fun for children to bounce on their beds.



10. gesture

vi. 用手勢或動作表示 to communicate with hand or body movements SYN sign

● The police officer gestured in order to stop the traffic and let the ambulance go through. 



n. [C] 手勢;示意動作

Gestures are often used to help people communicate. For example, two thumbs-up generally mean “great” or “I strongly approvež”.



11. pat

vt. 輕輕拍打 to touch someone or something lightly with one’s hand


● Whenever my dog follows my orders, I pat him on the head and give him a treat.



12. immediately

   adv. 立刻 now; without waiting  SYN instantly, at once, right away

● Every individual should immediately take action to help decrease the amount of pollution on our planet.



adj. 立刻的

● The medicine has taken immediate effect, so the man should be fine.



13. vanish

vi.(突然地)消失 to disappear suddenly

● All the audience cheered when the magician made the truck vanish.



14. holy

adj. 神聖的 being related to a god

● The Gangesž is the longest river in India. It is also regarded as a holy river.



15. permit

vt. vi. 允許 to allow someone to do something  (permitpermittedpermitted)

SYN allow  ANT reject

● Hurry up! The guard at the door will not permit us to enter the concert hall if we are late.


● If the weather permits, we plan to go camping this weekend.



n. [U] 許可

● The company has received permission to set up an international school in this city.



16. odd

adj. 怪異的 strange   SYN weird  ANT normal

It is odd that Stella seems so depressed today. Let’s talk to her and see what we can do for her.



17. schedule

n. [C] 日程表 a list of planned activities  SYN timetable

● The manager had a really tight schedule this week, so she canceled several of her meetings.



18. skip

vt. 省略;跳過 to not do something (skipskippedskipped)  SYN avoid

● Mr. Su is talking with Peter, trying to understand why he skipped class again.



19. altogether

adv. 完全地;總共 completely; in total

● Toby stopped eating fast food altogether after he read about how unhealthy it is.


● These model materials cost NT$750 altogether, which is within our budget.



20. panic

vi. 驚慌 to feel a sudden fear or worry  (panicpanickedpanicked)

● The economicž crisis has caused small business owners to panic.



n. [U] 驚慌

● Many people in this area were in panic during the huge earthquake last night.



21. embrace

vt. 欣然接受;擁抱 to accept something gladly; to hold someone closely with both arms  SYN welcome; hug

● It is important for us to learn to embrace challenges, though it is not always easy to do so.


● The long-separated family members embraced each other at the airport.



n. [C] 擁抱

● My cousin Helen always greets me with a warm embrace whenever I visit her.




1. except for ⋯⋯之外(不包括)

● Everyone in my family loves stinky tofu except for my brother.



2. pick… up ⋯⋯撿起來;接送

● Would you please pick up my pen for me? It is right at your feet.


● My grandfather usually picks me up after school because my parents are both busy working at that time.



3. look around 環顧四周

● Jenny found a wallet in the park but didn’t see anyone when she looked around. So she decided to take it to the police station.



4. hand… over ⋯⋯交給⋯⋯

● The reporter handed the microphone over to the singer after he asked her a question.



5. get used to 習慣

● It took Omar several years to get used to the heavy traffic during rush hour in Taipei.



6. first of all 首先  SYN first off, to begin with

● There are several steps for baking a cake. First of all, you need to have flour, milk, butter, and sugar ready.



7. on the contrary 相反地

● The book is not dull at all; on the contrary, it’s very interesting.
