2021年1月11日 星期一

Super 13, 12, 11, 10

Super 13
   B 1. The brave (: courageous) firefighter
 ran into the burning building to rescue (: save) 拯救 the little girl 
(who had been) trapped (: stuck  V-pp) )  inside.
(A) cheat
(B) rescue
(C) pick
(D) replace: take place of 取代
D 2. Selina wakes up at (: in the) midnight 午夜 so she can watch the sun rise(原形) from her balcony (陽台); it’s her favorite time of the day.
(A) midday: noontime
(B) midnight
(C) noon
(D) dawn 黎明時分
at twilight: at dusk
B 3. The history teacher was so  harsh 嚴厲的on (: was so strict or stern with) his students that he often made them cry, and many parents complained (to the school authority concerned) about him.
(A) modest: 謙虛的; humble 卑微的
(B) harsh
(C) clumsy 笨拙的
(D) distinct: 獨特的; 明顯的; 不同的
 unique; obvious; not alike; not the same

C 4. Many (: Numerous; Plenty of) people in Beirut, Lebanon, were suffering (遭受痛苦) in hospitals in great pain (: very painfully; bitterly) after the huge (: massive) explosion 爆炸 
that destroyed (: 破壞destructed/ruined/devastated) part (: area/region) of the city.
(A) marching 行進
(B) occupying 佔據: taking up
(C) suffering
(D) resigning a job: quitting the job

A 5. This curry (咖哩) dish tastes (: samples/tries) great! What spices (香料)  did Mom use to make it so good? 
(A) spices
(B) ribbons 緞帶
(C) trays 托盤
 (D) weapons 武器

D 6. Sean has a(n)          problem that makes it hard for him to tell red and green apart. 
         (A) literary: connected with literature
          (B) single: sole
  (C) audio 聲音的
  (D) visual  視覺的

B 7. Jesse dreams about living in  _____ , with things like designer clothes, sports cars, and a huge apartment as her top (: extreme) goals (: aims) in life.
(A) poverty 困苦
(B) luxury 奢侈
 (C) humanity 人性
(D) privacy 隱私權

D 8. You need a number of (: numerous) skills (=> techniques) for this job, but experience in using design software is particularly (: especially) important (: vital/crucial/indispensable/necessary).
(A) blankly 空白地
(B) poorly=> in poverty
 (C) vividly: actively
(D) especially

C 9. The objective 目標(: aim/goal/purpose) of this project (: program/ big plan) is to stop (: contain/deter/prevent/keep from) world hunger (=> starvation) and make food resources available 可利用的; 可流通的 to everyone.
(A) relation: connection/link
(B) victory: triumph
(C) purpose: aim/objective/goal
(D) thirst: zest/zeal

B 10. Sherry has been loyal (: royal; faithful 忠實的) to this shop for many years because 
she’s (: has been) one of our regular customers (常客).
(A) logical: reasonable/sensible/rational
 (B) faithful (to + N): royal/loyal
 (C) brutal: cruel
 (D) graceful=> elegant
B 11. Ethan really should decrease (: lower/reduce/relieve/cut down on/cut back upon)
 the amount of time he spends (: expends) playing video games. They’re starting to have a negative (⬄ positive) influence on his work.
(A) revise 改寫
(B) reduce 減少
(C) extend 延伸 enlarge/broaden/widen=> expand
(D) engage     訂婚; 從事

D 1. Sam went to the             to take some money out of his account.

(A) dock 船塢; 碼頭 (pier; wharf)

(B) lawn 草坪; meadow 草地

(C) roof 屋頂

(D) bank 銀行


1. duck

2. law: 法律條文

3. a proof: a piece of evidence

4. rank 排行

5. save; deposit <=> withdraw 提領: take money out of his account

6. amount 量 a large amount of money/a great deal of money

7. account 帳戶; 帳目; 回憶錄; 原因 (on account that: because)

B 2. Ms. Lin has been            (: generous) with her donations

because or on account that she’s (: she has) contributed (: given out/given away/donated) millions of dollars to charities (慈善機構) in the past or last few years.

(A) stingy: cheap like a miser

(B) liberal: generous

(C) intimate: bosom; close 關係密切的

(D) typical: classic

C 3. When Harry’s flight was canceled (: called off 被取消的),

he was very angry (: cross; annoyed; irritated) and         (: urgently asked) a refund (一筆退款)

(in order) to get his money back.

(A) outlined (B) folded (C) demanded (D) analyzed


1. outline: the main shape/form or edge/verge of something, without any details

2. fold: cover

3. demand: ask; request

4. analyze 分析: study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it

A 4. Scientists recently (: lately) announced (: declared/pronounced) that

they had found (find 的第三態)           footprints (腳印) in Saudi Arabia

that suggest (: imply; hint) a new date for when humans first arrived (: got/reached) there.

(A) ancient <=> modern/contemporary

(B) tricky: hard to deal with

(C) fake: not real

(D) current: of the present time

C 5. Many of the first sailors to reach (: get/arrive) this island became (: become 變) sick (: ill) with new           that their bodies weren’t prepared to resist.

(A) youngsters: the young

(B) nicknames 綽號

(C) diseases 疾病; sicknesses/illnesses)

(D) sidewalks 人行道


1. flyer 傳單

2. flyover 天橋

3. zebra crossing 斑馬線

4. intersection 十字路口

5. insist on doing...

During the heavy rain, (s)he insisted on going outside for shopping.

During the heavy rain, (s)he insisted that (s)he (should) go outside for shopping.

6. resist temptations 抵抗誘惑

In good preparation for the upcoming final exam, (s)he resisted several kinds of temptations for passing it.

7. consist of...

The class consists of 35 students.

It is made up of 35 students.

It contains/covers/includes 35 students.

It is comprised of 35 students.

B 6. The guard           loudly and waved his arms to tell cars when to come in and out of the parking lot (停車場).

(A) faded : decayed

(B) whistled 吹哨子

"to make a high sound by forcing air through a small hole or passageespecially through the lips, or through a special device held to the lips"

(C) united: connected

(D) bathed: 浸泡: immersed

D 7. The actor ’s           (: 痊癒) from a terrible (: horrifying/terrifying/scary/an awful) car accident (: crash) took years; fortunately(: luckily) he was eventually (: finally; at last) able to walk again.

(A) celebration慶典活動 (B) exhibition 展覽會 (C) democracy 民主 (D) recovery 

B 8. Don’t rely on the things politicians say because (: on account that) most of them are liars.

(A) examine: check

(B) trust: rely or count on

(C) admit : confess

(D) destroy; ruin/devastate/destruct

D 9. The enormous storm dumped so much water over the whole area that the streets were flooded.

(A) tiny: very small

(B) dull: boring

(C) flat <=> raised

(D) huge/tremendous

D 10. It was hard (: formidable/difficult) not to feel sympathy for the people whose houses had been knocked down in the earthquake.

(A) pride=> triumph; victory

(B) anger < fury

(C) loss 損失 (D) pity => compassion


A 11. Police have declared that this street is now closed, and everyone has been told that they must leave immediately.

(A) stated (B) assumed (C) promised (D) restricted