The following pictures show five world-famous people from Taiwan .
Do you know why they are making Taiwan
proud? Match the descriptions listed below with the correct person.

A. The movies that he has made have won a lot of
international prizes.
B. The sculptures (雕塑品) that he
has created have become well known around the world.
C. He is the co-founder (共同創辦人)
of the video-sharing website YouTube.
D. She has donated more than 10 million NT dollars to
help poor people.
E. He reached the quarter-finals (八強賽)
of the 2010 Wimbledon Championships.
It is another
busy day in a bakery. Crowds of people are lining up
to buy the bread. In the kitchen, some apprentices
are full of enthusiasm as they learn
from the Taiwanese master baker. They all want to be the next Wu Pao-chun.
Today, there are several Taiwanese people starting to take center stage in a variety of
fields. They are pursuing their passions, finding
success around the world, and, in the process, making Taiwan proud.
At the 2010
Bakery Masters competition in Paris , the winner of the title of Master Baker in the bread category was Taiwan ’s
Wu Paochun. It was quite unexpected that a person from Taiwan could
achieve such success in the field of baking. After all, an oven is rarely used in traditional Taiwanese cooking. Wu has devoted his entire life to baking. When
he was honored as one of the best bakers in the world, his years of hard work
finally paid off. Unlike many other people, he
did not move to Europe to set up a bakery there. Instead, he began to offer baking courses in Taiwan , hoping to help create more
Taiwanese master bakers in the world.
In the world of
sports, Taiwan ’s
Tseng Yani is said to perform at the top of her game. Tseng started playing golf at a very early age, and she was
determined to become a professional
golfer. After an amateur career filled with victories, she joined the Ladies
Professional Golf Association (LPGA).
Then, at the age of nineteen, she won the LPGA Championship. Tseng was not only the youngest player but also the
first from Taiwan
to win this title. Later, she was even ranked
as the number one female golfer in
the world.
When it comes to fashion, Taiwan ’s Jason Wu has definitely taken the fashion world by
storm. This Manhattan-based clothing designer became famous when Michelle Obama started to wear his
dresses on many important occasions. Every time the First Lady shows up in Wu’s elegant dress, people are amazed by her
beauty. Thus, it is not surprising that Wu’s designs have become a big hit around the world. Just like his
designs, Wu’s personality is also worth mentioning. He is a humble person, and he has devoted
himself to improving his design skills all the time.
There is a famous
quotation shared by many successful
people: “Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors for you where
there were only walls.” Wu Paochun, Tseng Yani, and Jason Wu are excellent
examples of this saying. They have
shown that by pursuing their own goals
wholeheartedly, it is possible to
achieve success not only in Taiwan
but also on the international stage.
Ted Pigott
美國《時代》(TIME) 雜誌為具有全球影響力的刊物之一,其從2004年起,每年度進行「時代百大人物」(Time 100) 的評選,主要評選標準有三項:(1) 對大量公共財產握有極大權力之人;(2) 大眾不一定聽說過,但對當今重大事件有真正影響力之人;(3) 足以作為公眾道德楷模之人。而臺灣亦有許多知名人士入榜,包括名導李安、棒球選手王建民、慈善家陳樹菊與慈濟創辦人證嚴法師等等,為臺灣帶來莫大的榮耀。
I. Reading for the Main Idea—Skimming
Skim the reading and choose the best answer.
( ) The reading mainly talks about ______.
(A) how to become the next Wu Paochun
(B) why Tseng Yani is able to win many golf championships
(C) why Jason Wu’s designs are so popular
(D) how some Taiwanese citizens are making Taiwan proud
II. Reading for Details—Scanning
Scan the reading and choose the best answer to each of
the following questions or statements.
( ) 1. In traditional Taiwanese cooking, ______.
(A) bread is the main food (B) bread is easy to bake
(C) an oven is seldom used (D) an oven is often used
( ) 2. After Wu Pao-chun won the title of
Master Baker, ______.
(A) he started to use ovens in cooking
(B) he moved to Paris and set up a bakery there
(C) he stopped baking bread for a long time
(D) he began to provide baking courses in Taiwan
( ) 3. Which of the following about Tseng Ya-ni
is true?
(A) She started to play golf at the age of
(B) She was the first Taiwanese person to win an
LPGA Championship.
(C) She didn’t want to become a professional
golfer at first.
(D) She had never won a golf match before she
joined the LPGA.
( ) 4. According to the reading, Jason Wu is ______.
(A) a master baker (B) a clothing designer
(C) a professional golfer (D) an apprentice chef
( ) 5. According to the reading, why did Jason
Wu become famous?
(A) The First Lady of the United States
began to wear his dresses.
(B) He designed his clothes in Manhattan .
(C) Michelle Obama invited him to many important
(D) He was very active in the United States .
III. Topics for Discussion
1. According to the last
paragraph, what do the examples of Wu Paochun, Tseng Yani, and Jason Wu show?
2. Which famous person from Taiwan do you
admire most? Introduce this person to the class, and share your reason(s) with
your classmates.
II. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5.
I. Words for Production
1. pride [praId] n. [U] a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that
one has when he or she is proud of someone or something 自豪,得意
► As a professional
chef, Sophie always wears her chef’s uniform with great pride.
2. enthusiasm [In`TjuzI&8z1m] n. [U] strong excitement and interest in something that one wants to be
involved in 熱忱,熱心
► Bruce is full of enthusiasm for cooking.
He enjoys making new dishes very much.
[In&TjuzI`8stIk] adj. 滿腔熱忱的,熱心的
► Ruth is enthusiastic about helping others.
She often contributes her time to charity work.
3. stage [stedZ] n. [sing.] a place or an area of activity in which something
important happens 舞臺,領域
► The basketball player’s impressive achievements made
him a rising star on the world stage.
4. field [fild] n.
[C] a particular subject that someone studies,
or a type of work that someone does or is interested in 領域,學科 SYN area
► Mr. Swan is a scientist, and he is very
famous in his field.
n. [C] an area of land in the country used for
keeping animals or growing crops 田地,牧場
► Some cows are eating grass out in the field.
5. pursue [p2`su] vt.
to try to achieve something over a long period of time 追求
► When Eason wants to achieve something, he always pursues
it with determination.
pursuit [p2`sut] n.
[U] 追求
► Vicky returned to her hometown from the
city in pursuit of a simpler life.
6. title [`taItL] n.
[C] the position of being the winner of a
► Aaron has won two titles in different
international competitions this year.
n. [C] the name of a book, movie, painting, piece
of music, etc. (作品) 名稱,標題
► The writer is thinking of a good title for
her new book.
7. devote [dI`vot] vt. to give all or most of one’s time or
effort to someone or something 致力於……,獻身於……
SYN dedicate
► The teacher devoted her whole life to
8. instead [In`stEd] adv. in the place of something or someone 反而
► Michelle didn’t answer my questions.
Instead, she asked me another question.
9. professional [pr1`fES1nL] adj. doing something as a job, or relating to work that
needs special training and skills 職業的,專業的 ANT amateur
► Dr. Wang gave us some professional advice
on exercise and health.
10. career [k1`rIr] n.
[C] a job or profession that one does for a long time during his or her
life 職業 (生涯),事業
► Edward is interested in computer
science and wants to pursue a career in that field.
11. victory [`vIkt1rI] n. [C][U] success in winning a competition, battle,
an election, etc. 勝利
ANT defeat
Since her competitor was in poor shape, Alice
won an easy victory.
12. association [1&sosI`eS1n] n.
[C] a group of people
who have joined together because of similar interests or goals 協會,聯盟 SYN organization
► All
the professional football players in the country have joined the national
football association.
associate [1`soSI&et]
vt. 把……聯繫在一起,聯想
► Many foreign
people associate Taiwan
with great food.
13. championship [`tS8mpI1n&SIp] n. [C] a competition to determine the best player or team in a sport 錦標賽
► Our baseball team beat all of the
other teams and won the national championship.
champion [`tS8mpI1n] n. [C] 冠軍,優勝者
► Everyone cheered when Jane became
the city’s skating champion.
14. rank [r89k] vt. ; vi. to
place someone or something in a particular position in order of importance,
quality, success, etc. 將……評等,排列
► Sydney is often ranked as one of the world’s best
15. female [`fimel] adj. being or relating to women or girls 女 (性) 的 ANT male
That female model is taller than most of the men in the show.
female [`fimel] n. [C]
女性,女子 ANT male
► That person standing over there is
not a man. She is a female with short hair.
16. fashion [`f8S1n] n. [U][C] a popular activity or style of clothing, hair, etc., at a particular
time or place 流行,時尚
Jeans never go out of fashion. They are always popular.
fashionable [`f8S1n1bL] adj. 流行的,時髦的 ANT unfashionable
Hot pants are very fashionable this season. Many young women are wearing them
these days.
17. elegant [`El1G1nt] adj. attractive or graceful 典雅的,優雅的
► Yvonne wore an elegant dress that
was beautiful in a simple way.
18. hit [hIt] n.
[C] someone or something that is very popular and successful 成功並風行一時的人或事物
The show was such a big hit that everyone was talking about it.
19. humble
[`h^mbL] adj. not proud, or not considering yourself to be better
than other people 謙虛的 SYN modest ANT
► Molly is very humble. She never boasts
about her achievements.
20. quotation [kwo`teS1n] n.
[C] a phrase, sentence, or short piece of
writing taken from a book, poem, speech, etc. 引文,引語 SYN quote
► “An eye for an eye only ends up making the
whole world blind” is a famous quotation from Gandhi.
quote [kwot] vi.; vt. 引用,引述
To sound more impressive, Charlie quoted from a poem.
21. universe
[`jun1&v3s] n.
(the~) space and everything that exists there,
including all the stars and planets 宇宙
At first, people thought that the earth was the center of the universe.
22. goal [Gol] n. [C] something that one hopes to achieve 目標,目的 SYN
► After years of hard work, Debbie finally
achieved her goal of becoming a lawyer.
II. Words for Recognition
apprentice [1`prEntIs]
n. [C]
center stage [&sEnt2
`stedZ] n. [U] 焦點,重要位置
Paris [`p8rIs] n. (法國首都) 巴黎
4. category [`k8t1&GorI] n. [C]
[`^v1n] n. [C] 烤爐,烤箱
6. golf [GAlf] n. [U] 高爾夫球運動
amateur [`8m1&tS5r]
adj. 業餘的
8. Ladies Professional Golf Association [`ledIz
pr1`fES1nL GAlf 1&sosI`eS1n] n. (the~) (縮寫LPGA) 美國女子職業高爾夫球協會
9. Manhattan [m8n`h8tN] n.
(美國紐約市行政區) 曼哈頓
clothing [`kloDI9] n. [U]
Michelle Obama [mI`SEl o`bAm1]
n. (美國第一夫人) 蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬
First Lady [`f3st
`ledI] n. (the~) 第一夫人,總統夫人
bliss [blIs] n. [U]
saying [`seI9] n. [C] 格言,諺語
wholeheartedly [&hol`hArtIdlI] adv. 全心全意地
1. line
up to form or stand in a line or row 排隊
► The students lined up to get on the school
2. pay off to be successful and achieve good results 得到回報,有好結果
► Luke’s hard work finally paid off when he
passed the exam.
3. set up to start a business, company, organization, etc. 開設,創辦 SYN
► The language school was set up by a well-known
4. take...by storm to succeed and become very popular in a particular
place or among a particular group of people 風靡……,在……大獲成功
► The singer’s new song immediately became a
big hit and took the world by storm.
5. show up (informal) to arrive in a place, especially where people are
waiting 出現,露面 SYN turn up
► When Jenny finally showed up, we were just
about to go home.
形容詞字尾 “-able” 可表示以下兩種意思:
(1) 加於特定名詞後,表示「有……特質的」之意。
change → changeable 易變的 fashion → fashionable 流行的
comfort → comfortable 舒適的 reason → reasonable 合理的
(2) 加於特定動詞後,表示「可以……的」之意。
accept → acceptable 可接受的
understand → understandable 可理解的 |

1. There was a man standing outside.
N (主動) V-ing
2. There were some doors painted yellow.
N (被動) Vpp
3. There are several
Taiwanese people starting to
take center stage.
N (主動) V-ing
4. There is a famous
quotation shared by many
successful people.
N (被動) Vpp
A. 圈選出正確的答案以完成下列句子。
1. There is a cat
(chasing, chased) a mouse.
2. There were some photos (taking, taken) by
my uncle in the album (相簿).
3. Today, there are many
women (hoping, hoped) to look slim.
4. There were thousands
of fans (waiting, waited) for the superstar.
5. There will be only one
person (choosing, chosen) for the position.
1. chasing 2. taken
3. hoping 4. waiting 5. chosen
B. 根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。第一題為範例。
1. Annie’s job is to give
advice to young people. Because of this, there are many teenagers writing (many teenagers/write)
letters to her for advice.
2. Most people drove to the
museum, so
(a lot of cars/park) in the parking lot (停車場) there.
(a lot of cars/park) in the parking lot (停車場) there.
3. Taiwan is
famous for its night markets and friendly local people. In addition, (several interesting festivals/tempt) people to visit Taiwan .
4. The school was broken
into last night. As a result,
(several important steps/take) to make sure the school is safe in the next few days.
(several important steps/take) to make sure the school is safe in the next few days.
5. Because of global
warming, the world’s sea levels have risen over the past ten years. In
addition, (studies/show) that some
cities are gradually sinking.
2. there were a
lot of cars parked
3. there are
several interesting festivals tempting
4. there will be
several important steps taken
5. there are
studies showing

1. It is funny that the dog looks like a pig.
2. It was quite unexpected that a person from Taiwan could achieve
such success in the field of baking.
3. It is not
surprising that Jason Wu’s
designs have become a big hit.
A. 根據句型合併下列句子。

That is not true.
→ It is .

was weird.
→ It was .

was interesting.
→ It was .

is Impossible.
→ It is .
1. not true
(that) Bob often lies to his parents
2. weird (that)
Sherry didn’t come to school today
3. interesting
(that) everyone had different opinions about that painting
4. impossible
(that) a person can succeed without making any effort
B. 根據句型及提示字完成下列對話。注意動詞變化。
1. Gwen: I don’t know why Peter
keeps sending me flowers.
(clear/he/be in love with you)
(clear/he/be in love with you)
2. David: What happened to you?
(so embarrassing/I/just fall down/a moment ago).
3. Tony: Gosh! I went to the
beach yesterday, and it was full of people.
Peggy: Well,
(not/surprising/beaches/be always crowded/in the summertime).
(not/surprising/beaches/be always crowded/in the summertime).
4. Olivia: Have you seen
Jonathan these days?
(strange/I/not/hear from him/for a week)
(strange/I/not/hear from him/for a week)
Alex: I think he is on vacation in Europe .
5. Lily: How was the magic show
Webber: Great!
(amazing/the magician/can/suddenly make an elephant disappear/on stage)
(amazing/the magician/can/suddenly make an elephant disappear/on stage)
1. It is clear
(that) he is in love with you.
2. it was so
embarrassing (that) I just fell down a moment ago
3. it is not surprising (that)
beaches are always crowded in the summertime
4. It is strange
(that) I haven’t/have not heard from him for a week.
5. It was amazing (that) the
magician could suddenly make an elephant disappear on stage.
I. Qualities and Achievements
許多臺灣人才活躍於各個領域,你認為需要具備什麼樣的特質或條件才能算是臺灣之光呢?以下列出一些項目,勾選 (P) 你心目中臺灣之光所需具備的特點。
□ A. winning an international prize
□ B. being active in a variety of fields
□ C. loving and caring for Taiwan
□ D. being well known to the world
□ E. showing selfless (無私的) devotion to
the public
□ F. having a strong influence on the public
□ G. making a contribution to society
□ H. fighting for the disadvantaged (弱勢族群)
□ J. being not afraid to meet every challenge
□ K. other(s):
II. The Pride of Taiwan
Wu Pao-chun 吳寶春
Tseng Ya-ni 曾雅妮
Jason Wu 吳季剛
the pride of Taiwan, Wu Pao-chun
has many good qualities and has achieved many things, such as .
and Ellen are talking about their role
models. (S = Sean, E
= Ellen)
S: I admire Mayday so much. All the members of the band are my role models.
E: The Taiwanese rock band? Why are they your role models?
S: Because they often use their fame and influence to help society.
E: Really? How do they do that?
S: They’ve given a lot of charity concerts to encourage people to show love and support for those in need of help.
E: That’s great. That way, many people will be influenced by them and start
to care for others.
S: Right. How about you? Do you have a role model?
E: Of course. But the person I respect a lot isn’t that famous. She is just
a vegetable vendor.
S: Well, she must have done something special that earns your respect.
E: Exactly. She has donated almost all her money to charity, even though
she isn’t rich.
S: Wow! Who is this person?
E: It’s Chen Shuchu.
S: I know who she is. I think she’s amazing, because it’s more difficult to
give money away when you don’t have much yourself.
E: I agree. And she makes me want to do more to help others.
S: Me, too.
Tips for You
1. role
model [`rol &mAdL]
n. [C] 榜樣
2. member [`mEmb2]
[C] 成員
3. rock [rAk]
[U] 搖滾樂
4. fame [fem]
[U] 名氣
5. concert [`kAns2t]
[C] 演唱會
6. support [s1`port]
[U] 支持
7. vendor [`vEnd2]
[C] 小販
8. earn [3n] vt. 贏得
1. ( ) 2. ( )
3. (
) 4. (
) 5. ( )
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5.
1. How do the people look?
(A) Angry.
(B) Frustrated.
(C) Enthusiastic.
(D) Embarrassed.
2. Where is the woman?
(A) On the stage.
(B) On the stairs.
(C) On the swing.
(D) On the sofa.
3. What happened
to the tennis player?
(A) He lost his title.
(B) He joined an association.
(C) His hard work didn’t pay off.
(D) He won a championship.
4. What is the man designing?
(A) Men’s shirts.
(B) Elegant pants.
(C) Female fashions.
(D) Interesting quotations.
5. What are the people doing?
(A) Getting up.
(B) Lining up.
(C) Cleaning up.
(D) Setting
something up.
It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1.
This club only accepts f______e
members, so men are not allowed to join.
__________ 2.
The poet has finished his
poem, but he hasn’t given it a t______e yet.
__________ 3.
Amanda’s restaurant is r______ked
as one of the top restaurants in the city.
__________ 4.
Jennifer started her c______r
as a teacher ten years ago, and she still loves her teaching job today.
__________ 5.
Dennis is interested in
history, so he wants to find a job in this f______d.
__________ 6.
When Eric was young, he
dreamed of becoming a p______l basketball player.
1. female 2. title
3. ranked 4. career 5. field 6. professional
II. Derivatives
__________ 1. Many people move to the city in ______ (pursue) of work.
__________ 2. Recently, it has become ______ (fashion) to use green products.
__________ 3. We were very excited to find out that Allison had won the international
tennis ______ (champion).
__________ 4. Nothing can attract Danny’s interest. He seems to lack ______ (enthusiastic) for everything.
1. pursuit 2.
fashionable 3. championship 4. enthusiasm
III. Cloze Test
Today, many Taiwanese people have become
well known on the world stage. Jason Wu is one such example. His designs 1 by Michelle Obama. When she started to
wear his dresses 2
many important occasions, Wu, the 3 clothing designer, became famous. However,
he still remains humble and continues to devote himself to improving his design
skills. As Wu pursues his passion, he is, at the same time, making Taiwan 4 . It is lucky 5 Taiwan has such a talented citizen.
( ) 1. (A) love (B)
loves (C) are loved (D) are loving
( ) 2. (A) on (B) by (C) with (D) as
( ) 3. (A) Manhattan-basing (B) Manhattan-based
(C) basing-Manhattan (D) based-Manhattan
( ) 4. (A)
proud (B)
is proud (C) to proud (D)
being proud
( ) 5. (A) who (B) which (C)
whose (D) that
1. C 2. A
3. B 4. A 5. D
IV. Matching
( ) 1. Linda
likes the skirt...
( ) 2. It is not true...
( ) 3. Amber left me a
message, ...
( ) 4. There are three
( ) 5. When it comes to
singing, ...
a. ...singing in the tree.
b. ...telling me to call her back.
c. ...decorated with ribbons.
d. ...Owen is the best in the school.
e. ...that
1. c 2. e
3. b 4. a 5. d
V. Guided Translation
1. Oliver計畫要在臺南開設一間書店。
Oliver is planning to _____________ _____________
a bookstore in Tainan .
2. 那道甜點已風靡全臺。
That dessert has _____________ Taiwan _____________
3. 賭博不是個好活動。大多數時候都沒有好結果。
Gambling is not a good activity. It doesn’t _____________
_____________ most of the time.
1. set up
2. taken…by storm
3. pay off
VI. Translation
1. 店裡有五個人在排隊。
2. 我的老師出現在我的生日派對上,真令人驚訝。
1. There
were/are five people lining up in the store.
2. It is/was surprising (that)
my teacher showed up/turned up/appeared at my birthday