2020年7月24日 星期五

20200727 暑假輔導 B4U8

矩形: 圓角: 8What Is Beauty?

Look at the following pictures and answer the questions below.
A                               B                                  C

        D                                 E                                   F

1. What do you think about the people in the pictures above?
2. Which one do you consider to be the most attractive? Why?

If you had lived in Japan in the 1800s and had sparkling white teeth, it probably would have been difficult for you to find a wife or a husband. Black teeth were considered attractive in Japan at that time, so people used to dye their teeth black. During the Tang dynasty in China, a plump woman was thought to be attractive since more fat on a woman’s body represented more wealth. That is, the fatter a woman was, the richer she was thought to be. During the Middle Ages in Europe, rich people didn’t have a tan. On the contrary, their skin was usually quite pale. It was the poor who had darker skin because they had to work outdoors in the sun. As a consequence, people at that time believed that pale skin was a symbol of wealth and beauty. They would often cover up their bodies completely whenever they went out to make sure that their skin stayed as fair as possible.
What would these people of the past think of today’s image of “ideal” beauty—a skinny, brown-skinned supermodel with bleached white teeth? They would probably consider this person very ugly. The ideals of beauty are always changing, especially in different times and cultures. However, one thing always remains true: People want to be good-looking and attractive. In the past, people dyed their teeth black, ate a lot to become fat, or covered up their bodies to remain pale. Nowadays, people use more extreme ways to follow the trends toward “physical perfection.” In many countries, it is fashionable for people to have dangerous surgery done in order to change their appearance. For example, some people have fat removed from their bodies, and others have their eyes changed to make eyes look bigger. Still other people would rather have a poison called Botox injected into their faces than have any wrinkles.
Today, being slim is considered beautiful, so many people would rather starve than gain any “extra” weight. However, being too skinny is not healthy. Instead of eating a balanced diet, starving to achieve some “ideal” weight can actually make a person sick. Tanned skin is also popular these days. Nevertheless, the greater exposure to the sun people get, the higher risk of cancer they will have.
So, let’s pause and think for a minute: Is our appearance really that important? According to a survey of the Maasai tribe in Kenya, the people there think attractiveness and morality are connected. In other words, the nicer a person is, the more beautiful he or she is thought to be. The researcher who carried out the survey was amazed to learn that 100 percent of the Maasai people were satisfied with their appearance!
Each person in the world is one of a kind. Taking pride in your appearance is a way of showing that you like the way you look and that you have respect for yourself. Next time, when people ask you if you are satisfied with your appearance, what will your answer be?
by Toni Jordan

Cultural Note

I. Reading for the Main Idea—Skimming
Skim the reading and choose the best answer.
(   ) The reading is mainly about ______.
(A) the negative effects of pursuing beauty today
(B) the different images of ideal beauty
(C) the Maasai people’s attitude toward beauty
(D) the good-looking people in the past

II. Reading for Details—Scanning
Scan the reading and choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements.
(   ) 1. According to the reading, which of the following is true?
(A) People with black teeth were considered attractive in Japan in the 1800s.
(B) During the Middle Ages, Europeans with pale skin were believed to be poor.
(C) People in the Tang dynasty in China preferred a skinny woman.
(D) Today, a plump woman is considered good-looking in every country.
(   ) 2. Which of the following is thought of as an example of “ideal” beauty nowadays?
(A) A person with pale skin.         (B) A person with black teeth.
(C) A person with a slim body.     (D) A person with wrinkles.
(   ) 3. According to the reading, people today may ______ in order to become more attractive.
(A) have surgery and make their eyes smaller
(B) have Botox injected into their faces
(C) eat a lot and gain weight
(D) dye their teeth black
(   ) 4. The Maasai people are satisfied with their appearance because ______.
(A) they are naturally born with skinny bodies and pale skin
(B) they can have surgery to change their faces anytime they want
(C) they always follow the latest trends toward “physical perfection”
(D) they believe that beauty is connected with morality
(   ) 5. According to the reading, which of the following is a good way to show that you have respect for yourself?
(A) Getting a tan.
(B) Having dangerous surgery done.
(C) Being proud of your appearance.
(D) Starving yourself.

III. Topics for Discussion
1. What may people do today to change their appearance?
2. Are you satisfied with your own appearance? Why or why not?

I. B
II. 1. A  2. C  3. B  4. D  5. C

I. Words for Production
1. sparkling [`spArklI9] adj. shining brightly with points of reflected light 閃閃發光的,閃耀的
 We walked through the dark forest and discovered a sparkling lake in the moonlight.
sparkle [`spArkL] vi. 閃爍,閃耀
The lady’s gold ring sparkled in the sun.
2. wealth [wElT] n. [U] a large amount of money and other valuable possessions 財富,錢財
Mr. Norman’s oil business made him a person of wealth.
wealthy [`wElTI] adj. 富有的 SYN rich
The wealthy farmer owns six houses and a lot of land.
3. outdoors [&a5t`dorz] adv. outside, not in a building 在戶外 SYN out of doors ANT indoors
Last weekend, we didn’t go outdoors because of the heavy rain.
outdoor [`a5t&dor] adj. (only before n.) 戶外的 ANT indoor
► Mike enjoys outdoor activities, such as mountain climbing and surfing.
4. consequence [`kAns1&kwEns] n. [C] an effect of a particular action or something that has happened 結果,後果
 ► There will be serious consequences if you keep ignoring your health.
5. fair [fEr] adj. pale or light in color (皮膚) 白皙的,(頭髮) 淺色的   ANT dark
► All of Mary’s children have fair skin, just like Mary does.
 adj. reasonable and morally right, or treating someone this way 公平的,公正的 ANT unfair
► It’s not fair that my sister has a larger room than I do.
6. image [`ImIdZ] n. [C][U] an opinion that most people have about someone or something 形象,印象
 ► The fast-food restaurant has put new advertisements on TV in order to improve its image and attract more customers.
7. ideal [aI`di1l] adj. the best or most suitable 理想的 SYN perfect
  ► This house is ideal for me. It is not expensive and only five minutes away from my workplace.
ideal [aI`di1l] n. [C] 理想
► Sarah works very hard to realize her own ideals.
8. skinny [`skInI] adj. (informal) very thin, in a way that is not attractive 極瘦的,皮包骨的
  Because of cancer, the patient looks skinny and weak.
9. nowadays [`na51&dez] adv. now, often compared with the past 現今   SYN today
 ► In the past, people wrote letters to one another. Nowadays, people prefer to send messages over the Internet.
10. extreme [Ik`strim] adj. unusual; serious or severe 極端的,異乎尋常的
  ► Due to global warming, extreme weather happens more often around the world.
adj. very great in degree 極度的,極大的
► Please move the box with extreme care, or the items in it may break.
11. surgery [`s3dZ1rI] n. [U][C] medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open one’s body to replace, repair, or remove some parts inside (外科) 手術
  ► Dana was seriously hurt in a car accident and required major surgery right away.
12. appearance [1`pIr1ns] n. [C][U] the way that someone or something looks 外貌,外表
  ► Young people are often very concerned about their appearance.
13. poison [`pOIzN] n. [C][U] something harmful that can cause serious illness or death 毒素,毒物
  ► The woman killed herself by taking a deadly poison.
14. inject [In`dZEkt] vt. to put something, such as a drug, into one’s body by using a special needle 注射
  ► The nurse injected me with some medicine to help reduce my fever.
injection [In`dZEkS1n] n. [C][U] 注射,打針
► The doctor gave Irene an injection to ease the pain in her back.
15. wrinkle [`rI9kL] n. [C] a small line that appears on one’s face or skin, often as one grows older 皺紋
  Fine wrinkles appear around my eyes when I smile.
16. balanced [`b8l1nst] adj. combining all the necessary things together in the correct amounts 均衡的,平衡的
  ► A balanced diet is essential to good health, so we shouldn’t eat only meat or bread.
balance [`b8l1ns] n. [sing.][U] 均衡,平衡 ANT imbalance
  ► It’s important for students to strike a balance between studying and having fun.
17. exposure [Ik`spoZ2] n. [U] the state of being in a situation without protection from something harmful or dangerous 暴露
  ► Long exposure to harmful chemicals can cause cancer.
expose [Ik`spoz] vt. 使暴露於……
   ► As a reporter covering the war, Brian is exposed to danger every day.
18. pause [pOz] vi. to stop doing something for a short time before starting again 暫停,停頓
  ► After Vanessa paused to think for a moment, she accepted Jack’s invitation to his party.
19. survey [`s3ve] n. [C] a set of questions used to find out the opinions or behavior of a large number of people 調查
   ► The survey showed seventy percent of the women questioned were interested in our new product.
20. researcher [rI`s3tS2] n. [C] someone who studies something in order to discover more information about it 研究人員
   ► The market researcher has observed that more and more customers prefer buying organic food.
research [`rIs3tS] n. [U] 研究
   ► Dr. Grant has done research on child development for more than ten years.

II. Words for Recognition
1. dye [daI] vt. ……染色
2. dynasty [`daIn1stI] n. [C] 朝,朝代
3. plump [pl^mp] adj. 豐腴的
4. Middle Ages [`mIdL `edZIz] n. [pl.] (the) (歐洲歷史上約西元五世紀至十五世紀) 中世紀
5. tan [t8n] n. [C] (膚色) 曬黑,曬成棕褐色
tanned [t8nd] adj. 曬黑的,曬成棕褐色的
6. supermodel [`sup2&mAdL] n. [C] 超級名模
7. bleached [blitSt] adj. 漂白的
8. Botox [`botAks] n. [U] 肉毒桿菌
9. Maasai [m1`saI] n. (the) (肯亞境內民族) 馬賽族
10. Kenya [`kEnj1] n. (非洲東部共和國) 肯亞
11. attractiveness [1`tr8ktIvnIs] n. [U] 吸引力
12. morality [m1`r8l1tI] n. [U] 道德

1. used to  used for saying that something happened regularly in the past, but it does not happen now 以前經常,過去習慣
► I used to eat late-night snacks every day, but now I seldom eat anything after dinner.
2. on the contrary  used to introduce a statement that is the opposite of what has been said 相反地,正好相反
► Andrew is not rude. On the contrary, he is a very polite person.
3. as a consequence  used to say that something is the result of another thing 結果 SYN in consequence
► My father smoked a lot when he was young. As a consequence, he is suffering from serious lung disease now.
4. in other words  used to talk about the same idea in a different and simpler way 換句話說,也就是說
► The little girl couldn’t find her way home—in other words, she got lost.
5. carry out  to do or complete something 進行,完成
► The government will carry out tests to see if the new plan will work.
6. one of a kind  the only one 獨一無二的 SYN unique
► That handmade bag is really one of a kind. I don’t think I can ever find another one like it.

Word Smart
字尾 “-ness” 加在某些形容詞之後可構成名詞,表示「性質、狀態」之意。
attractive → attractiveness 吸引力    kind → kindness 仁慈
happy → happiness 幸福             lonely → loneliness 孤獨
ill → illness 疾病                   sad → sadness 悲傷


   the  形容詞比較級 (+ N) …, the  形容詞比較級 (+ N) …
        副詞比較級               副詞比較級
(1) the + 形容詞比較級 (+ N)/副詞比較級 + S + be/V..., the + 形容詞比較級 (+ N)/副詞比較級 + S (+ Aux) + be/V...」,形容詞與副詞用法可搭配混用
 (2) 若形容詞比較級後面有名詞 (N),該名詞的單複數變化依其本身的可數或不可數而定
(3) 當句意明確且動詞為be動詞時,有時可省略主詞及be動詞

1. During the Tang dynasty in China, the fatter a woman was, the richer
                               形容詞比較級         形容詞比較級
she was thought to be.
2. The greater exposure to the sun people get, the higher risk of cancer
         形容詞比較級 + N                     形容詞比較級 + N
they will have.
3. The sooner we begin our work, the faster we’ll be able to get it done.
    副詞比較級                  副詞比較級
4. The harder Danny studied, the better his grades became.
    副詞比較級             形容詞比較級
5. The bigger (it is), the heavier (it is).
 形容詞比較級    形容詞比較級

Let’s Try!
A. 圈選出正確的答案以完成下列句子。
1. The (high, higher) grades I get, the (happy, happier) I am.
2. The more (quick, quickly) Ray walked, the (early, earlier) he would arrive at the station.
3. The (sick, sicker) Kathy was, the (weaker, weak) she became.

1. higher; happier
2. quickly; earlier
3. sicker; weaker

B. 根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。注意動詞變化。
1. Eddie finally realized that                                             
                (many/hamburgers/he/eat), the more weight he gained.
2. Molly’s son hasn’t come home yet. The longer Molly waits for him,    
3. Sue believes that eating a balanced diet keeps her healthy. In other words, the more balanced her diet is,                                   
4. Joe gets impatient easily. Unfortunately, the                            
5. The                                                                    
       (high/we/climb/the mountain),                                    
 (good/the views/will/be).

1. the more hamburgers he ate
2. the more anxious she gets
3. the healthier she is/will be
4. less patient he is; the more mistakes he will make
5. higher we climb the mountain; the better the views will be

S + would rather + V... + than + V....
此句型表示「寧願……而不要……」。would ratherthan後皆須接原形動詞,若兩個動詞一致,則多可省略than後面的動詞。

1. Many people would rather starve than gain any “extra” weight.
2. Some people would rather have Botox injected into their faces than have any wrinkles.
3. Alan would rather play basketball than (play) baseball.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型選出語法最適當的答案。
     1. Claire      watch TV than study English tonight.
(A) rather              (B) would rather          (C) rather than
     2. I would rather      a sandwich      nothing at all for lunch.
(A) have...but had   (B) had...than having    (C) have...than
     3. Karl would rather go shopping than      at home today.
(A) to staying        (B) stay               (C) stayed

1. B  2. C  3. B

B. 根據句型合併下列句子。第一題為範例。
1.  Elaine prefers to watch DVDs at home.
    She doesn’t want to go to the movies.
 Elaine would rather watch DVDs at home than go to the movies.     
2.  Craig prefers to go the school by bike.
    He doesn’t want to take a crowded bus.
3.  I prefer to go to a KTV.
    I don’t want to go to the beach.
4.  We prefer to eat out.
    We don’t want to cook at home.
5.  Terry prefers dating Emily.
    He doesn’t want to date Peggy.

2. Craig would rather go to school by bike than take a crowded bus.
3. I would rather go to a KTV than (go to) the beach.
4. We would rather eat out than cook at home.
5. Terry would rather date Emily than (date) Peggy.

I. Describing Your Appearance
round, long, square, oval (橢圓的), heart-shaped
long, short, curly (卷髮的), straight, black, brown
big, small, double-fold eyelids (雙眼皮), single-fold eyelids (單眼皮)
short, average (中等的), tall
dark, pale, fair, rough, soft, tanned
skinny, underweight, thin, slim, fit, strong, athletic (健美的), plump, overweight, heavy
attractive, beautiful, cool, cute, handsome, good-looking, plain (平庸的), young, old

II. What Is Your Ideal of Beauty?
1. A: What kind of __________ do you like?
B: I like _________________________________________________.
A: Why do you like this?
B: It’s because I think ______________________________________.
2. A: Do you like __________ or __________?
B: I prefer __________ to __________.
A: Why do you like __________ more?
B: It’s because ____________________________________________.
3. A: What do you prefer when it comes to __________?
B: I have no strong preference (偏好) for it.

James and Tracy are discussing their own standards of beauty with each other. (J = James, T = Tracy)
J: Wow! Look at that girl across the street. Isn’t she beautiful?
T: Actually, I don’t think she’s very attractive.
J: Why? She’s so tall and thin, just like a supermodel!
T: In my opinion, she’s too skinny. It’s simply not natural for girls to look like that.
J: Um, I think her big eyes look very nice, too.
T: But they look blank, and this makes her appear to be very low-spirited.
J: Well, then. What is your image of ideal beauty?
T: For me, I don’t care much about outer beauty. I prefer to look at the “inside.”
J: What do you mean by that?
T: I think real beauty goes beyond physical appearance. If a person is kind­hearted, then that person is attractive to me.
J: So you’re saying a person with a good heart can be called beautiful even if he or she is not physically attractive?
T: That’s right. Actually, we should never judge a person only by his or her appearance.

Tips for You
1. blank [bl89k] adj. 空洞的
2. low­-spirited [`lo`spIrItId] adj. 沒有精神的
3. outer [`a5t2] adj. 外表的
4. go beyond 超越
5. judge [dZ^dZ] vt. 評斷

(   ) 1. (A) Jessica was injected with some poison.
(B) Jessica’s skin is too fair.
(C) Jessica’s appearance has improved.
(D) Jessica looks too skinny now.
(   ) 2. (A) The profession he used to have.
(B) The surgery he will have.
(C) The research he has carried out.
(D) His ideal choice of career.
(   ) 3. (A) The dangers of exposure to the sun.
(B) The main health benefits of sunlight.
(C) The good things about going outdoors.
(D) A recent research on wrinkles.
(   ) 4. (A) The woman enjoys walking in the rain.
(B) The man prefers outdoor activities.
(C) The woman doesn’t like to stay in the house.
(D) The man would rather watch TV than go jogging.
(   ) 5. (A) Wealthy people are less healthy than poor people.
(B) The main goal in life should be creating wealth.
(C) Rich people are healthier than poor people.
(D) Health is more important than wealth.

1. D  2. D  3. A  4. B  5. D
1. M: Jessica looks very different now.
  W: Yes, she’s lost a lot of weight recently.
  M: Actually, I think she looks too thin.
  W: Me, too. Maybe she’s been sick.
  Q: What do the man and the woman believe?
2. W: What profession are you considering in the future?
  M: Well, being a doctor would be the perfect profession for me.
  W: Why is that?
  M: Because I could help people and earn a lot of money at the same time.
  Q: What is the man talking about?
3. W: People should protect their skin when they go outdoors in the summer.
  M: Right. The strong sun dries out the skin and causes wrinkles.
  W: What’s more, research has shown that it can also cause skin cancer.
  M: That’s why everyone needs to avoid too much exposure to the sun.
  Q: What are the man and the woman discussing?
4. M: I like to go jogging in the park or hiking in the mountains.
  W: I prefer to stay at home and watch TV.
  M: Well, I’d rather be out in the fresh air.
  W: It’s OK with me as long as the weather is good!
  Q: Which statement is true?
5. M: One of my goals is to have a successful career and make a lot of money.
  W: Me, too. But I also believe there are more important things in life than that.
  M: I agree. For example, staying healthy is the most important thing to me.
  W: Right. If you don’t have good health, you can’t do anything.
  Q: What do the man and the woman agree about?

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. Steven has made a lot of money by selling houses. He is now a very w______y man.
__________ 2. The doctor said that if Ashley doesn’t have open-heart s______y soon, she may die.
__________ 3. Mr. Moore is the chief r______r in the medical center, and he has completed many studies on lung cancer.
__________ 4. When the weather is good, I like to go o______s and enjoy the sun.
__________ 5. In the story, the evil witch tried to kill the princess by making her take a deadly p______n.
__________ 6. You should wear the gloves so that you won’t e______e your hands to this harmful chemical.
__________ 7. The coffee shop is trying to change its i______e by adopting a new slogan.
__________ 8. Joseph is so s______y that he doesn’t look very healthy.
__________ 9. Linda p______ed for a sip of coffee and then continued talking.
__________ 10. After the serious car accident, Paul had e______e difficulty walking because of his broken leg.

1. wealthy   2. surgery     3. researcher    4. outdoors    5. poison
6. expose   7. image     8. skinny       9. paused     10. extreme

II. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. If the little boy ______ his home phone number, I could have helped him find his way home.
(A) have known (B) had known (C) knows      (D) was knowing
(   ) 2. Salad ______ a light meal by many people.
(A) is considered (B) considers   (C) considering (D) considered
(   ) 3. ______ some exercise every day is an important part of Dylan’s life.
(A) Do        (B) Doing    (C) Did         (D) To doing
(   ) 4. ______ is Grace ______ likes rock music, not me.
(A) That...×      (B) It...×     (C) It...who     (D) That...which
(   ) 5. Laura just had her car ______ yesterday.
(A) to washing  (B) wash       (C) washing    (D) washed

1. B  2. A  3. B  4. C  5. D

III. Sentence-Writing
i. 將下列句子合併。
1.  Polly prefers to see a movie tonight.
    Polly doesn’t want to go to the baseball game tonight.
 → Polly would rather ________________________________________.
ii. 根據提示字改寫下列句子。
2. If you get to know Lynn better, you will like her more. (The..., the....)
3. As Richard reads more books, he learns more things. (The..., the....)

1. see a movie than go to the baseball game tonight
2. The better you get to know Lynn, the more you will like her.
3. The more books Richard reads, the more things he learns.

IV. Guided Translation
1. 那件襯衫對Paul來說不太合身。也就是說,那不是他的尺寸。
The shirt didn’t fit Paul very well. _____________ _____________ _____________, it was not his size.
2. 你能協助我進行這份顧客滿意度調查嗎?
Could you help me _____________ _____________ the customer-satisfaction _____________?
3. 我以為那個國家很會下雨。但正好相反,那裡幾乎不下雨。
I thought it would rain a lot in that country. _____________ _____________ _____________, it hardly ever rains there.
4. Karen以前為了減重而吃很少,但她現在每天都攝取均衡的飲食。
Karen _____________ _____________ eat very little in order to lose weight, but now she eats a _____________ diet every day.
5. 這張Frank做的生日卡非常獨一無二。你絕不會在任何店裡找到像它一樣的卡片。
This birthday card Frank made is really _____________ _____________ a _____________. You could never find one like it in any store.

1. In other words
2. carry out... survey
3. On the contrary
4. used to...balanced
5. one of... kind

V. Translation
1. The kid would rather stay sick than receive an injection.
2. 我很滿意我的外表,並為它感到驕傲。

1. 這個小孩寧願繼續生病也不要打針。
2. I am satisfied with my appearance and take pride in/proud of it.