2020年7月27日 星期一

IT301 7/27

728    23: 59  以前

I.                    看英寫中(請寫正楷)
4月雜誌 p. 35 part 1
1.      weed
2.      basin
3.      continent
4.      oxygen
5.      mature
6.      sprawl
7.      patch
8.      habitat
9.      air-filled
10.  water-dwelling
11.  eat up something
12.  eye-catching: attractive
13.  full-grown
14.  hire/employ/take on
15.  get rid of: remove
16.  the front yard
17.  pull weeds
18.  in search of
19.  a good fishing spot (: place)
20.  on the planet
21.  whale
22.  come up to the surface of the water to breathe in oxygen
23.  over the past/last years
24.  sprawling
25.  Asia
4月雜誌 p. 35 part 2
26.  attractive
27.  appearance
28.  lead/led/led
29.  lead to/give rise to/cause/result in
30.  lead to sb./sth +V-ing…
31.  the plant
32.  be native to
33.  lead to sth. (: the water hyacinth)
34.  lead to sth, … being introduced…
35.  …, which…
36.  step down
37.  be set
38.  be set for a July release
39.  come in…
40.  a wide range (: variety) of colors
41.  the sports shoes
42.  kill/murder
43.  pond
44.  only to V…
45.  pop back up
46.  a year later: after a year
47.  these hidden seed (種子)
48.  arrive at (: get to/reach)
49.  on the way over
50.  see/saw/seen
51.  crash into a street (traffic) sign
52.  restaurant
II.                  國內外大事3
(eg. 讀李眉蓁論文事件有感)
III.                亞馬遜流域的布袋蓮引入各地, 帶來至少四個問題, 哪四個? P. 34
IV.                亞馬遜流域的布袋蓮引入各地, 帶來至少2個好處, 哪兩個? P. 36
V.                  B4U8課本第八課 “What Is Beauty?” 提供各文化外在美的概念

p. 37單片英譯中(寫正楷)
國內外大事3, 選一則評論