2021年5月10日 星期一




Animal Testing: Do We Need (: Call for) It?

Line 1  heaten

   Hot=> heat=> heated (: violent)

Lines 13-14  force feed

Line 17 treatment  n. 處遇; cure; heal


1.      process


The counting (N.) of votes to see who will become president

is a long process that requires many people.


proceed: go on/continue

2.      conduct/perform/do  an experiment on …

= experiment…

The company did (: conducted/performed)

many (: a great number of) experiments (so as)

to test how people could live (: inhabit/reside)

in (outer) space in the (near/distant) future.

3.      scientist/scientific/scientifically

A scientist must (: has to) examine (: check) every detail

over and over (: again and again;

over and over again; repeatedly), and then (s)he

(must) write about the results

(: outcomes/consequences) of test.

4.      affect  v. influence/impact sb./sth. b adly/negatively.

an effect  n.


an effect/influence/impact on sth./sb.

a side-effect 副作用

affection: love   n.

When I drink coffee in the morning,

it (: the coffee) affects

my energy (: pep/vitality/vigor)

levels (: layers/standards/norms)

throughout (: all over)

the day in a positive way (=> method/manner/).

5.      injure   v.  injures/injured=> wound/

hurt one’s feelings/


injury  n.  injuries  n.

The man injured (: wounded) his hand

when he fall/fell/fallen down the steps (: stairs).

6.      Raising pets has probably some healing powers.

The healing (: recovery) of Jeremey’s broken

will take about three to six months.

It will take Jeremey 3-6 months to recover due to the broken leg.


estimate: count/calculate



contract  v.  infect/be infected with/come down with

contract  n.  agreement/compact

contrast: in contrast

in comparison

specimen  樣本

ex. Susan could (: was able to) wear the pair of shoes

even though they were meant for kids

because she has small feet.


allow for sth.

Sarah has ___ (bought/buy) some (pieces of) land

(that/which) has enough

 (: sufficient/adequate/abundant/ample)

space (: room) to allow for two large houses

to be built.


on purpose: purposely/intentionally

I think (that)

Matt ran (: bumped/hit) into Hank

purposely (: on purpose/intentionally)


he smiled right after (the hit) and

 he didn’t apologize (: say sorry)

to Hank for his rude behavior.

be meant for

(: be proper/fit/suitable/appropriate for)

    p. 58

  line 3 …there are two sides to every coin.

  Life is full of ups and downs.  Just face the music.

  Whatever is worth doing

   is worth doing well.


  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  Line 5  p. 58

  Try: v. n.

  Give it a try.

  Have a try.

   many trials

U11-1  Animal Testing : Do We Call for (: Need) it?




Animal testing has ___ (see/saw/seen)

much (: plenty of/lots of/a great deal of)

heated (: violent/keen)

debate (: argument) over the years.


This ___ (proceed/process) includes (: contains)

using animals in experiments (in order) to test products

(which are) meant (: proper/fit/suitable/appropriate) for

human beings/humans.


(2.1)  U11-1

Last year (: In 2020), three ___ (science/scientists/scientific)

__ (win/won) a Nobel Prize for the _finding__ (discover/discovery) of Hepatitis C virus (HCV). 


This virus ___ (affects/effects) about 142 million people around (: all over)

the world.


Currently (: Nowadays/Today), there __ (has/is) no vaccine for HCV, but

animal testing may allow for one (: vaccine).


In the US, HCV kills more people than HIV every year.




  Animals in experiments are ___ (common/commonly) force-fed (V-pp & Adj.)

or not given enough (: sufficient/adequate/affluent/ample) food water.


They might even be ___ (injures/injuries/injured)

or might be made sick on purpose so scientists can study healing effects and see (: judge/determine) what (: the thing which) medicines are good for treatment.


Many animals are even killed after the experiment is over.



Chimpanzees are special because (: on account that) they are

the only animal (that) we know of

that contracts (: infects/comes down with) HCV

other (: more) than humans



This makes them an important specimen (樣本)

for doing (: performing/conducting) tests

to create drugs to fight HCV.



Is it the best method (: way/manner/approach)?



U11-2   2/26


Even though…, …

Even though we can achieve many results

for humans from animal testing,

there ___ (are/have) always two sides to every coin.



In the treatment trials (which were) already done for HCV,

there __ (has had/have been/has been)

a 95 percent success (n.) rate (n.) in patients.


This is one positive result of using chimpanzees

for medical tests, and

humans benefit (: gain good points)

from this research (: study/survey).



But (: However,/Yet,/Still,) will there ___ (have/be)

a time___ (which/when) we have learned enough

to stop (: deter/keep) using chimpanzees for tests?



That time could be now. 


Studying the life cycles of HCV can now be done

in laboratory using (: which uses)

human cell cultures in Petri dishes.


(2.4) With all that we’ve learned from chimpanzees,

we may not need to do more live testing.


Others argue (: fight/quarrel/debate) that

a vaccine would take longer to create

because of the need (: demand) to see reactions

of medicine in a living being (: existence).


We could (: were able to)

 continue (: proceed) to use

human cell cultures, but it would take

much longer and more lives (: life pl.)

may be lost (:lose/lost/lost) at the same time.



There ___ (is/has) no clear winner (: victor)

in this debate (: argument), so it’s up to society

to try and find some equality (n.)

between animals and human testing.