2021年3月11日 星期四

Unit 4 Problem-Solving






1. (Problem-solving)(skills)(make)(difference)(interpersonal) (relationships)

2. (afraid   adj.)  (complicated; complex) (problems)(how)(see)(point)(view)

3. (complains)(come)(up) (with) (effective)(solutions)

4. (solve)(problems)(be)(willing)(accept)(criticism)(take) (advice)

Effective communication can avoid misunderstandings.

When you encounter a problem, you need to take a positive attitude (toward it) and face it.

Knowledge is valuable, but the ability to solve problems is even (: far/still/a lot/much) important.

Instead of complaining (to us about the problem), Thomas came up with many good solutions. 

Problem-solving skills can make a huge difference (to you) in  your interpersonal relationships.

Many people are afraid of (: Lots of people fear) facing complicated problems because (: on account that/in that) they don't know how to see (: view) things from a different point of view.

If a person only complains but does nothing, he will not be able to come up with effective solutions.

To solve  problems, he must be willing to accept others' criticism (: comments) and take (: follow) their (pieces) of advice.