2020年11月10日 星期二

E202 以課本57頁A段為例, 找出第一句問句的內容, 目的要了解段落主旨, 增進理解


 2020/11/10 (Tue.)


Take p. 57 in the textbook as an example.  Try to find out the reading strategy of “finding the main idea of the reading” (p. 52.) through the start of a question.

Before Reading:

I found out the first sentence is missing, and the first sentence is a sentence of question.

In Reading:

p. 57

Step (步驟): Before Reading=> In Reading => After Reading

(1) I read the (a) paragraph. 

(2) I found out the first sentence is missing.

(3) I tried to read the other sentences, and went back to the lost first sentence.

(4) In comparison, I figure out the difference between a free sports event and a charged sports activity.  

(5) I numbered the sentences 1-4.

(6) I also found out sentences 1-3 belonged to the charged activity.

(7) As a student, I prefer the free activities such as swimming, dancing and hiking.

(8) At last, I wrote down the first sentence, that is, the question,

 based on the other sentences I had read before.

(9) The answer for the missing first sentence is as follows:

 Do you know that some sports would probably cost you more than 100,000 or more in just a year?

(10) After reading, I manage/intend/plan/try/aim to arrange Vocabulary, Synonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Grammar, and Sentence Patterns in turn.


Original (原文):

(1.1)         Do you know that some sports would probably cost you more than 100,000 or more in just a year?

(1.2)         For this reason, many of these sports are played by smaller amounts of people. 

(1.3)         In some sports, like polo, a player not only needs equipment, but they also need (: call for) a horse to ride. 

(1.4)         If you are looking to start up a new sport, it is suggested that you try one that costs nothing, such as hiking, swimming and dancing.


1.      polo

2.      reason: cause

3.      cost  v. n.

at the cost of: at the expense of…


1.      need: call for/require

Idioms and Phrases:

1.      small amounts of people (1.2) 少量的人們; 小眾

ex. For this reason, many of these sports are played by smaller amounts of people. 

2.      suggest: advise/recommend (1.4) 建議; 推薦; 勸告

ex.   If you are looking to start up a new sport, it is suggested that you try one that costs nothingsuch as hiking, swimming and dancing.


1.      Be-V + V-pp: (1.2)

ex.  … are played…

For this reason, many of these sports are played by smaller amounts of people. 

ex. …is suggested …

If you are looking to start up a new sport, it is suggested that you try one that costs nothingsuch as hiking, swimming and dancing.


2.      副詞+ V…: (1.1)

    ex. Do you know that some sports would probably cost you more than 100,000 or more in just a year?

助動詞+ 原形:  would …cost

ex. Do you know that some sports would probably cost you more than 100,000 or more in just a year?

ex.  …would probably cost…

3.      Be-V + V-ing (現在分詞)…: (1.4)

  If you are looking to start up a new sport, it is suggested that you try one that costs nothingsuch as hiking, swimming and dancing.

Sentence Patterns:

1.      …not only A but also B…(成對的對等連接詞): (1.3)

ex. In some sports, like polo, a player not only needs equipment, but they also need (: call for) a horse to ride. 

說明 (Instruction):

 not only A but also B, A與B詞性對等  needs (A) ... need (B) ...

2.      …one that costs nothing. (關代用法): (1.4)

ex. If you are looking to start up a new sport, it is suggested that you try one that costs nothingsuch as hiking, swimming and dancing.

說明 (Instruction):

...one that costs nothing, such as hiking, swimming and dancing.

(1) 先行詞: one 代名詞單數 

(2) 關係子句 that costs nothing, such as hiking, swimming and dancing.

(3) 承(2),  that: 關係子句中的主詞, 指得是不定代名詞 sport 運動項目

(4) one that costs ...: 先行詞+ 子句單數主詞+ 子句單數動詞

                                   子句動詞是三單動詞, 現在簡單式單數

3.      If…, … (1.4)

ex .If you are looking to start up a new sport, it is suggested that you try one that costs nothing, such as hiking, swimming and dancing.

說明 (Instruction):

(1) If 子句是adv. 子句, 使用現在式就好

(2) 主要句子是事實

(3) ..., it is suggested that ... 


      *以第三人稱單數 it 引出被動 is suggested 和

      * it 假主詞, 指得是真正主詞 that 子句!  



After Reading:


心得 (Reflection):   

        閱讀的過程, 分成閱讀之前, 閱讀進行中, 與閱讀結束後! 試者以步驟, 呈現整個閱讀前中後期的發展, 可以更加縝密審視第57頁段落A 的4個句子的結構, 以彰顯段落如果以問句 question 開始, 可以閱讀其他句子, 找出答案, 目的是找出問的答案, 可能與段落主旨相關聯! 

       依據步驟呈現, 把生字, 慣用語與成語, 同義字詞, 文法重點, 或句型依次整理, 以彰顯段落基本架構!

      日後寫作時, 可以用問句來引起讀者的注意或共鳴, 目地請讀者進一步想想, 問題的答案可能與接下來文章的鋪陳, 有著密切的關係, 或許很容易就找到答案, 也說不定呢!

回饋 (Feedback):   

       在此運用了 劍橋英文字詞點查不會的單字, 也上網瀏覽 surf on the Internet獲得 cheesing rolling, underwater hockey 與 wife carrying 等有趣的活動圖片, 以增廣見聞! 

        本段落雖然承接著原選文, 本來介紹奇怪的 strange/odd/uncommon/unusual sports activities運動活動, 帶讀者行經紐西蘭, 英國, 芬蘭, 其實這裡的附帶段落練習, 我學到了運動可以強身, 對抗焦慮與憂鬱, 獲得健康之外, 更進一步了解運動項目或活動的要價與無價, 或接下來段落B運動種類或選擇適合自己的活動健身, 並規律運動, 盡其在我, 也是本段落的弦外之音! 

p. 56

p. 55

dgeack  biljhf

p. 57

Paragraph B


Do you know

there are

more than (: over)

8,000 kinds (: sorts/types 種類) of


in the world?


p. 52:

a bbb  ddacc

p. 57