2020年11月26日 星期四

U4 Advanced


Unit Four  The Cracked Bucket

I. 文意字彙與詞類變化

1. declared                  2. sincere                      3. assured                4. delivered

5. magnificent             6. aroused                     7. leaked              8. shame

9. conscious                10. countryside             11. strengthened      12. loyalty

13. miserable               14. accomplishment      15. criticism


II. 文法選擇

16. D   17. A  18. D  19. C    20. B  


III. 綜合測驗

21. B   22. C  23. A  24. D  25. C  

26. A  27. B  28. C  29. B  30. A  


IV. 對話

31. B  32. C     33. D  34. B  35. A  


V. 閱讀測驗

36. C  37. A     38. D  39. B  40. B  


VI. 重組句子

41. Tracy went to bed with all of her homework completed.

42. The bored student looked at the falling leaves outside the classroom.


VII. 合併句子

43. George didn’t sleep well with his daughter crying all night.

44. The child tried his best to fix his broken toy.


VIII. 引導式翻譯

45. along; with

IX. 英譯中

46. 水手們在啟程航向家鄉時,感到興奮又緊張。