2020年9月24日 星期四

B5U2 Idioms and Phrases p. 38


B5U2 Idioms and Phrases p. 38

1, The basketball player worried (: was anxious)

(that) his broken (: break) leg would hold back (: hinder/deter/prevent) his career.

Cf. career planning 生涯規劃

2. in advance (of: ___) 事先; 預先

(: beforehand)

Students are expected (: hoped) to finish

(: complete) the required (: asked/needed) reading

in advance of (: before) the class.

3. 當初; 原先

in the first place

(in/at the very beginning of a situation 處境)

If you hadn’t liked Rita (: Had you not liked Rita),

you should not have invited her to dinner

in the first place.

ð  Actually, in the past, you liked Rita, and

you invited her to dinner.

4. pros and cons: 事情的利弊得失

Before you make a decision (adv. clause),

you ought to (: are supposed to/should)

take advantages (: pros) and disadvantages (: cons)

into consideration (: account) cautiously (: with care).

Cf. (consider: think about)

(think of/up: come up with 想出)

5. (cf. 比較  up to高達)

樂意(be up for + N: be willing to V)



盛事; 運動項目event


Ex. Jessica is unwilling to go out tonight.

(She is not up for going out tonight)

She only wants (: longs) to stay home and

relax herself.

Tip: Nothing more than; nothing but

only; merely; simply; just; 僅只

cf.  more than just 不只是; 不僅僅


p. 38

pocket money


spending money




1.      charge

room and board 食宿