Cracked Bucket
The + V-pp & Adj. 有裂縫的 + N 桶子
Look at the
picture and answer the questions below.
1. What happened
to the bucket?
2. How does the
bucket look?
3. What do you
think (that) the bucket probably feels about itself? Why?
There was once a man who walked a long
distance through
the countryside to a running stream to fetch water. He labored to fill a couple of large buckets, and he then hung each bucket on the two ends of a long
pole. With the pole balanced on his shoulders, he carried the heavy buckets home. However, one of the
buckets had a crack in it, so when the man arrived home, it was only half full.
=> There was at one time a man walking a long distance through the countryside to a running stream to fetch water. He worked hard to fill several large buckets, and he in turn hung (hang 變) each bucket on (掛在上頭, 有接觸面) the two ends of a long pole.
This went on daily with the man carrying only one and a half buckets
full of water home. While the perfect bucket was proud of its accomplishments, the cracked bucket,
which couldn’t deliver as much water
as its partner, felt ashamed and inadequate. As time went by, the cracked bucket began to feel frustrated and got increasingly conscious of its imperfection.
=> This
This (condition) went on every day with the man carrying only (: merely/simply/just) one and a half buckets (which were) filled with water home. While (: Although) the perfect bucket was proud of its accomplishments, the cracked bucket, which couldn’t deliver as much water as its partner, felt ashamed and inadequate.
One day, with a voice full of misery,
the cracked bucket said to the man, “I am ashamed of myself, and I must
apologize to you.”
“Why?” asked the man. “What are you ashamed of?”
“Although I wish to please you, I do not have the ability to carry my
full load of water because of my
crack. Your valuable water leaks all
the way from the stream to your home. Due to my flaw, a lot of your effort is
wasted,” the bucket said.
This sincere apology aroused the man’s pity.
“You have worked hard,” said the man, “and I appreciate your loyalty and enthusiasm. Let me assure you, from the bottom of my heart, your
work is magnificent.”
“What do you mean?” asked the bucket. “It seems awful to me.”
“I have a suggestion,” said the man, with a twinkle in his eye. “Today as we walk,
please pay attention to the pretty flowers along the path.”
Then, the man set out for the stream, along with the buckets. As they went up the hill, the cracked bucket took notice
of the beautiful blooming flowers on the side of the path. The lovely sight of
the flowers made the bucket feel a bit better, but it still felt ashamed.
“Did you notice that the flowers were only on your side of the path, but
not on the other bucket’s side?” the man asked the bucket. “That’s because the water leaking from your crack has been watering them. These
beautiful flowers exist because of you,” he declared. “What’s more, I took these flowers home and arranged them in a vase to decorate my
room. Because you are just the way you are, I was able to have this beauty in
my home.”
As the cracked bucket learned that day, sometimes those things that we
think of as flaws are actually strengths,
and they make each of us unique. Naturally, we all have strong points and weak
points, but it is important to see them in the right way. Perfection is
impossible, so do not belittle or criticize yourself for being who you
adapted by Barbara Cromarty
Note |
八歲的小女孩吉莉安上課時總是動來動去、製造噪音,因而被校方認定有學習障礙。她的母親於是帶她去看心理醫生,醫生了解問題後,藉故帶著母親離開,並打開收音機後獨留吉莉安在診療室中。醫生和母親偷偷從窗戶觀察吉莉安,發現她隨著音樂翩翩起舞,優雅身段令人屏息。醫生對母親說:「妳的孩子沒有病,她只是有跳舞的天分,帶她去上舞蹈課吧!」原來大家認為的「學習障礙」其實是吉莉安的舞蹈天分,於是她開始接受舞蹈訓練,最後成為享譽全球的舞蹈家。這就是吉莉安‧林恩 (Gillian Lynne) —
Phantom of the Opera) 的編舞家—的真實故事。 |
I. Reading for the Main Idea—Skimming
Skim the reading and choose the best answer to the question.
( ) What is the main idea of the reading?
(A) Fetching water from a stream is a waste of time.
(B) The cracked bucket is not as useful as the perfect bucket.
(C) Sometimes a person’s flaws can actually be strengths.
(D) People should feel ashamed of their flaws.
Reading for Details— Scanning
Scan the reading and choose the best answer to each of the following
( ) 1.What did the man use to fetch and deliver water?
(A) Two
perfect buckets.
(B) Two
cracked buckets.
(C) Only one
cracked bucket.
(D) A perfect
bucket and a cracked one.
( ) 2. Why was the
cracked bucket ashamed of itself?
(A) It didn’t
work as hard as its owner.
(B) It was
smaller than its partner.
(C) It failed
to carry as much water as its partner.
(D) It had
been thrown away by its owner.
( ) 3. Why did the
man ask the cracked bucket to look at the flowers along the path?
(A) He wanted
to embarrass the bucket.
(B) He wanted
the bucket to feel good about itself.
(C) He wanted
to boast about his own achievements.
(D) He wanted
the bucket to help him carry the flowers home.
( ) 4. What did the
man think of the crack in the bucket?
(A) He
thought it was still useful in some ways.
(B) He was
embarrassed by it.
(C) He was
deeply bothered by it.
(D) He
considered it very ugly.
( ) 5. What can we
learn from the reading?
(A) There is
no need to get things repaired.
(B) We should
recycle old things when they are broken.
(C) A perfect
bucket is less valuable than a cracked one.
(D) Sometimes
flaws and strengths are two sides of the same coin
III. Topics for Discussion
1. What did the man do when the cracked bucket made a sincere apology to
2. If you were the man in the reading, what would you do with the cracked
[Ans.] I. C II.
1. D 2. C 3. B
4. A 5. D |
I. Words for Production
1. countryside [`k^ntrI&saId] n. [U] land outside cities and towns 鄉村,農村
► Ted grew up in a farming family in the countryside.
2. stream [strim] n. [C]
a small narrow river 小河,小溪
► We fetched some water from the clear stream when we
were hiking in the mountains.
3. couple [`k^pL] n. [sing.] two or a small number of people
or things 一對,幾個
► I went out with a couple of my friends last night,
and the three of us had a wonderful time.
4. accomplishment [1`kAmplISm1nt] n. [C]
something difficult or
impressive that is achieved with a lot of effort or hard work 成就 SYN achievement
► Of all the accomplishments in my life, being a
father is the one that I am proudest of.
accomplish [1`kAmplIS] vt. 完成,達到 SYN achieve
► Jeremy has been studying very hard to accomplish his
goal of becoming a lawyer.
5. deliver [dI`lIv2] vt. to bring something
to a particular place or person 運送,傳遞
► The mailman is busy delivering letters to
every household in the neighborhood.
delivery [dI`lIv1rI] n. [U][C] 運送,遞送
► The online store offers free delivery for
any order over NT$1,000.
6. partner [`pArtn2] n. [C] a person that does
an activity with you 夥伴,搭檔
► Find yourself a partner and start
practicing the dance with him or her.
7. ashamed [1`Semd] adj. feeling guilty or embarrassed about
someone or something 羞愧的,慚愧的
► Dean was deeply ashamed of himself for
shouting at his mother last night.
shame [Sem] n. [sing.] 令人惋惜的事 SYN pity
► What a shame you couldn’t make it to the
party. It was so much fun.
8. conscious [`kAnS1s] adj. noticing or realizing that
something exists or is happening 意識到的,察覺到的 SYN aware ANT unconscious
► Today, a lot of people have become more
conscious of the importance of environmental protection.
9. misery [`mIz1rI] n. [U] great unhappiness or suffering 悲慘,痛苦
► Even after so many years, some of the earthquake
survivors are still living in misery.
miserable [`mIz1r1bL] adj. 不幸的,悲慘的
► The old man leads a miserable life. He lives alone
without any family or friends.
10. load [lod] n. [C] the amount of something that a person,
vehicle, etc., can carry 裝載量,負荷
► The design of the bag makes
it possible to carry a heavy load.
load [lod] vt.; vi. 裝,裝載
ANT unload
► After we loaded the moving
truck, we made for our new house.
11. leak
[lik] vi.;
vt. to allow liquid or
gas to come out through a hole or crack 漏,滲漏
► When it rains,
our roof would leak and make the floor all wet.
12. sincere [sIn`sIr] adj. honest and true, not lying 誠摯的,真誠的 SYN genuine ANT insincere
► Please accept my sincere
thanks. I really appreciate all that you have done for me.
13. arouse [1`ra5z] vt. to cause someone to have a certain feeling
or attitude 引起,激起
► The ringing of the bell aroused the baby’s interest,
and the baby started to laugh.
loyalty [`lOI1ltI] n. [U] the quality of being faithful 忠誠,忠心
► Dogs are known
for their loyalty to their owners.
loyal [`lOI1l] adj. 忠誠的,忠實的 SYN true ANT
► Penny is a loyal customer of the café. She
goes there almost every day.
15. assure [1`S5r] vt. to tell someone that something is
definitely true or will definitely happen, often in order to make that person less
worried 向……保證
► The salesperson assured us of the product’s
assurance [1`S5r1ns] n. [C] 保證
► With the doctor’s assurance, the man felt
more confident about the treatment.
16. magnificent
[m8G`nIf1sNt] adj. very good and
impressive 值得讚揚的,極好的 SYN splendid
► The performance was so magnificent that the
people in the audience couldn’t take their eyes off the performers.
17. path
[p8T] n. [C] a way between one
place and another that people can walk along 小路,小徑
► We walked down the path through the forest
and finally reached a beautiful lake.
18. declare
[dI`klEr] vt. to say what one thinks or feels firmly or
announce something in a formal way 宣稱,宣告
► The man declared that he had nothing to do
with the crime.
19. arrange
[1`rendZ] vt. to put things in a particular order or position 布置,整理
► We arranged the chairs in rows before our
guests arrived.
arrangement [1`rendZm1nt] n. [C] (usu.
pl.) 安排,籌備
► Mark will take a trip to
20. strength
[strE9T] n. [C] a useful or advantageous quality or
ability 優點,長處 ANT weakness
► Patience is Jerry’s greatest strength. It
allows him to learn more and experience more.
[U] the physical energy or power 力氣,力量 ANT weakness
► The child doesn’t have enough strength to move the heavy desk.
strengthen [`strE9T1n] vt. 加強,鞏固 ANT weaken
► The difficulties in life only strengthened
my relationship with my wife.
21. criticize
[`krIt1&saIz] vt.;
vi. to say someone or
something is bad or wrong 批評,批判 ANT praise
► The writer’s
new book was criticized for its lack of creativity.
criticism [`krIt1&sIz1m] n. [U][C] 批評,指責 ANT praise
► The new law has attracted public criticism.
Many people think it ineffective and unnecessary.
II. Words for Recognition
1. bucket [`b^kIt] n. [C] 水桶,(有提把的) 桶子
2. pole [pol] n. [C] 竿,柱
3. inadequate [In`8d1kwIt] adj.
4. twinkle [`twI9kL] n. [C] (usu. sing.) (眼睛) 閃亮
5. belittle [bI`lItL] vt.
1. go
by (of time)
to pass (時間) 過去,流逝
► Time seems to go by very
quickly when I am busy.
2. from
the (bottom of one’s) heart with great sincerity 打從 (某人的)心底,衷心地
► Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,
for saving my life.
3. set
out to start to go somewhere or begin a journey 出發,啟程
► The traveler only spent a day in the small town and
then set out for another one the next day.
4. along with together with someone or something else 連同,與……一起
► The bakery sells a variety of fresh bread,
along with several kinds of drinks.
Smart |
字首 “a-” 可加在某些名詞或動詞前構成形容詞,用來表示「動作的狀態」或「動作正在進行」。 flame → aflame 燃燒中的 shame → ashamed 感到羞愧的 live → alive 活著的 sleep → asleep 睡著的 part → apart 分開的 wake → awake 醒著的 |
分詞作形容詞用法:V-ing/Vpp + N |
本句型介紹分詞當作形容詞的用法,現在分詞 (Ving) 作形容詞時,有「主動」或「正在進行」之意;而過去分詞 (Vpp) 作形容詞則有「被動」或「已經完成」的意思。
1. The ground is wet because of the melting snow.
2. A man walked a long distance through the countryside
to a running
3. The cracked bucket felt ashamed and inadequate.
4. English is one of the most spoken languages in the world.
A. 根據圖片及提示字填入適當的形容詞。每個提示字限用一次。
fall sleep cry break burn |
1. a ______ girl 2. ______ glass 3. a ______ baby
![]() |
![]() |
4. ______ leaves 5. a ______ house
[Ans.] 1. crying 2. broken 3. sleeping 4. fallen 5. burning |
B. 根據句型將下列中文句子的畫線部分翻譯成最適當的英文句子。
1. 警方終於找到了那輛被偷的車。
The police finally _________________________________________.
2. 這個聰明的小孩發明了一個會跳舞的機器人。
The smart kid ____________________________________________.
3. 請將用過的廁紙丟進垃圾桶裡。
Please ____________________________________ into the trash can.
4. 那名男子跳入池中拯救溺水的男孩。
The man jumped into the pool to _____________________________.
5. Ellen因不小心喝下受污染的水而生病。
Ellen got sick because she accidentally _________________________.
[Ans.] 1. found the stolen car 2. invented a dancing
robot 3. throw (the) used
toilet paper 4. save/rescue the
drowning boy 5. drank the polluted
water |
此句型以with接受詞 (O) 和受詞補語 (OC) 來表示附帶的狀況,而受詞補語常為形容詞、現在分詞 (表主動或正在進行) 或過去分詞 (表被動或已經完成)。
1. Daisy never talks with her mouth full of food.
2. The situation went on daily with the man carrying only one and a half
buckets full of water home.
3. With the pole balanced on his shoulders, the man carried the
buckets home.
A. 根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。
1. With her hands (wave) in the air, Cathy said goodbye to us.
2. We watched the movie in the theater with
our cell phones (turn) off.
3. With their cameras (ready), the paparazzi waited for the actor to show up.
4. The sad girl ran away
with tears (roll) down her face.
5. Thomas lay under the tree with his face (cover) with a book.
[Ans.] 1. waving 2. turned 3. ready 4. rolling 5. covered |
B. Vicky今天第一次上芭蕾舞課。根據句型及提示字寫出完整的句子以完成段落。
Today, I had my
first ballet class. Before the class began, I came into the dressing room alone
(my parents/wait for
me outside). Then, I put on my ballet outfit (全套服裝) and went into the classroom 2
(a smile/spread across my face).
The classroom
was bright 3
(some soft music/fill the air). During the class, our ballet teacher taught us some
basic movements. For example, I learned to stand 4
(my arms/hold up
straight/above my head). After the class, I went home 5
(my whole body/feel sore). However, I
had so much fun in the ballet class, and I am looking forward to my next class!
[Ans.] 1. with my parents
waiting for me outside 2. with a smile spreading
across my face 3. with some soft music
filling the air 4. with my arms held up straight
above my head 5. with my whole body feeling
sore |
Find Out Other People’s Strengths
Name: |
Strengths: 1. He/She
is such a person. 2. He/She
is good at . 3. He/She
is very . 4. He/She
always . 5. He/She
. |
II. Giving and Accepting Compliments
Compliments |
‧I really think you.... ‧I’d like to tell you that.... ‧I’d
like to compliment you on.... ‧You certainly are/have.... ‧If you ask me, .... ‧What a(n) are! |
Accepting Compliments |
‧I appreciate the compliment. ‧I’m very flattered. ‧Thank you for the compliment. ‧That means a lot to me. ‧How
nice/sweet/kind of you to say so! |
Monica is envious of
Bob’s outgoing
personality, and Bob is trying to make her feel more confident about herself by
giving her some compliments. (M = Monica, B = Bob)
M: You’re such an
outgoing person, Bob. You have the quality to make a lot of friends.
B: Thanks. I’m flattered. I think you have many strong points, too.
M: Do you really think so?
B: Of course. You’re very sweet and easygoing.
M: But unlike you,
I’m too shy. I often get nervous and embarrassed when I meet new people.
B: Don’t worry about it. All your friends know what a
kind and friendly person you are.
M: Well, I still want to be like you, so people will like
me immediately.
B: If you ask me, I think your shyness is actually your
M: What do you mean?
B: Your shyness
makes you more approachable.
People feel comfortable around you and naturally want to make friends with you.
M: Oh, I’ve never thought of it that way.
B: What’s more, because you are quiet, it makes you a
very good listener.
M: I’m really glad you think so. Now I feel more
confident about myself.
B: Just be yourself. You deserve to be liked.
M: I appreciate what you said. That means a lot to me.
Tips for You
1. envious [`EnvI1s] adj. 羨慕的 2.
outgoing [`a5t&GoI9] adj. 外向的 3.
flatter [`fl8t2] vt. 使榮幸 4.
easy-going [`izI`GoI9] adj. 隨和的 |
approachable [1`protS1bL] adj. 平易近人的 6.
deserve [dI`z3v] vt. 值得,應得 |
( ) 1.
(A) In the countryside. (B)
In a stream.
(C) In the city center. (D)
In the sky.
( ) 2. (A) Assuring the man that she will
support him.
(B) Arranging to meet the man.
(C) Appreciating the man’s friendship.
(D) Making the man feel ashamed of himself.
( ) 3. (A) They are dancing partners.
(B) They are criticizing each other.
(C) They live in misery.
(D) They’ve won the competition.
( ) 4. (A) Complimenting Dr.
Yang on her speech.
(B) Arousing the woman’s curiosity about Dr. Yang’s speech.
(C) Pointing out Dr. Yang’s strengths.
(D) Criticizing Dr. Yang’s speech.
( ) 5. (A) The man has
strengthened their relationship.
(B) The man is not sincere.
(C) The man is a perfect partner.
(D) The man will always be loyal to her.
[Ans.] 1. A 2. C
3. A 4. D 5. B [Script] 1. M: I think this place is beautiful, and the
air here is fresher than that in the city. W: I agree. There are fewer houses but more trees here. M: There’s even a stream over there. W: Let’s walk together along the path next to the stream. Q: Where are the man and the woman? 2. W: I really want to
thank you from the bottom of my heart. M: Why? What did I do? W: You always stand by me when I feel miserable. M: Well, that’s what friends are for. Q: What is the woman doing? 3. M: I’m so nervous
about the dance competition next week. W: Me, too,
but I believe we’ll do well if we keep practicing our dance moves together. M: You’re right. So, are you free for dance practice tomorrow? W: Of course. Let’s meet in the dance studio at Q: What is true about the man and the woman? 4. W: I wasn’t
really satisfied with Dr. Yang’s speech. M: Me, neither. She didn’t speak loud enough, so no one could hear her
very well. W: I guessed
she was pretty nervous. M: Besides,
she forgot her lines a few times during the speech. Q: What is
the man doing? 5. M: I’m
sorry I lied to you. I promise it won’t happen again. W: Well, I
don’t believe you. You’ve said it too many times before. M: I’m so
ashamed. Please give me another chance. W: Sorry, but I just can’t trust you anymore. Our relationship is
finished. Q: What does the woman believe? |
It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
_________ 1. Sherry’s kindness is
her greatest s______h. She is loved and respected because of it.
_________ 2. The goods you have
ordered will be d______red to your house in three days.
_________ 3. The s______m is very clear. You can see
many fish swim in it.
_________ 4. My father quit smoking after he became c______s
of the dangers of smoking.
_________ 5. Hazel is my most trusted business p______r.
We have worked together for more than ten years.
[Ans.] 1. strength 2. delivered 3. stream
4. conscious 5. partner |
II. Derivatives
_________ 1. Winning the national championship was one
of the player’s greatest ______ (accomplish).
_________ 2. What a ______ (ashamed) I missed the game yesterday. I heard that
it was very exciting.
_________ 3. Mary and Jim have decided to get married
this year and have started making ______ (arrange) for their wedding.
_________ 4. Due to a lack of food and clean water, the
typhoon victims are now living in ______ (miserable).
_________ 5. The business owner’s bad decision drew
strong ______ (criticize) from his employees.
[Ans.] 1. accomplishments 2. shame
3. arrangements 4. misery 5. criticism |
III. Multiple
( ) 1. To comfort her ______ baby, the mother held
him gently in her arms.
(A) cry (B) cried (C)
crying (D) cries
( ) 2. Ryan has a dog, ______ was adopted from an
animal shelter.
(A) who (B) which (C) that (D) ×
( ) 3. My mother was very proud ______ me when I
won the national competition.
(A) of (B) to (C)
at (D) into
( ) 4. With the ticket ______ in his hand, Jason
walked into the theater.
(A) hold (B) holds (C) held (D) is holding
( ) 5. Elsa is still mad at you. You had better
apologize ______ her as soon as possible.
(A) at (B) as (C)
about (D) to
[Ans.] 1. C 2. B
3. A 4. C 5. D |
IV. Cloze Test
As a bucket, my job was to carry water.
Unfortunately, I had a crack in my body. Therefore, no matter how hard my owner
tried to fill me with water, the water always 1 from this crack. After failing time after time
to carry my full load of water, I started to feel ashamed 2 myself. 3 ,
my owner never got upset by me. Instead, he tried to make me 4 better by showing me the pretty flowers that
were along the path we took. He told me that the flowers existed 5 me. From that day on, I started to feel more
confident about myself.
( ) 1. (A)
declared (B) leaked (C) arranged (D) accomplished
( )
2. (A) to (B) on (C) of (D) with
( ) 3. (A)
Therefore (B) Moreover (C) Besides (D)
( ) 4. (A)
feel (B) felt (C) feels (D) to feeling
( ) 5. (A)
because (B) because of (C) such (D)
such as
[Ans.] 1. B 2. C
3. D 4. A 5. B |
V. Guided Translation
The man __________ his wife of his __________ to her.
The mayor
attended the important meeting yesterday, __________ __________ some government officials.
Many weeks
have __________ __________ since the day when Jake
and I had a big fight and stopped talking to each other.
[Ans.] 1. assured... loyalty 2. along with 3. gone by |
VI. Translation
1. The tour group is going to set out at
2. 我打從心底祝你好運。
[Ans.] 1. 這旅行團將在早上八點出發。 2. From the
(bottom of my) heart, I wish you (good) luck. |